Sana looked over to Hugh and forced a smile on her lips as she reached over and caressed his cheek gently. “We’ll get through this,” she said softly; leaning in and brushing her lips to his, a content sigh escaping her lips into the kiss. “I know this isn’t what you wanted,” she said in a caring voice as she broke the kiss and gazed up to him. “And yet if you hadn’t come along we would not be here together and I would very likely have been sacrificed,” she said as she cupped his face in her hands, her fingers delicately running along his jaw line. “You’re the reason I still draw breath, I wouldn’t want another to stand by my side through this,” she added as she fingers slowly slipped from his features. “I am going to see if I can find some more arrows for the road ahead,” she said with a smile before she hopped out of the back of the wagon and adjusted the hood of her mantle before making her way into the encampment; in search of supplies. She wasn’t exactly sure where to go or who to ask so she wandered slowly; taking in the sights and sounds. She felt out of place there, a gypsy was never one to blend into the surroundings of such a group of people. As she walked she thought about what all Hugh had been through in his life. She wondered if she was being unfair to him wanting him to be along with her and the rest. Part of her wished she could send him away to safety so he would not have to face another possible travesty but what she had said was true. Out of them all, some more powerful than others, she would choose no other to have by her side than him. No one else gave her the sense of safety that he did and no other made her want to fight harder than him. Sana stopped wandering as she spotted one of the members of the encampment with a bow slung to his back with similar markings that was on the bow her sister had bribed the elves to make her so long ago. It was not exact of course and his bow was far longer than hers but it was a start. Walking over to him she cleared her throat. "Would you by chance know where I could find another quiver of arrows for this?" she asked as she unslung the bow from her back.