[b]Name:[/b] Lucifer of Phoenix (Empusa) [b]Appearance:[/b] Scrawny, underweight and short, with big blue eyes and dark, fairly short hair. As a result of his possession, his pupils have vanished, leaving solid blue iris on white sclera. His skin is pale white, further hinting at his demonic nature. Facially, he is delicate and pretty, almost girlish in appearance. His body is lissom and sylph-like, though unhealthily thin. [hider=Hidden for size][img]http://imgur.com/dD98tOG.png[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, appears 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Possessed – Was once human, but is now host to the demon Empusa. [b]Side:[/b] Evil, though reluctantly. [b]Weapons(s):[/b] Rephaim: Silver shortsword, good for stabbing and slashing. Dagger: A simple steel dagger. Nothing special about it. Hidden blade: Gauntlet-mounted wrist blade with a spring-loaded catch. Can be released easily, but difficult to put back. Phoenix Amulet: A small golden amulet with a brilliant ruby in the middle of it. Less a weapon than a charm, this unsuspecting piece of jewellery actually holds Lucifer's soul inside. Understandably, this amulet is incredibly precious to him. [b]Abilities/Powers[/b]: Empusa's Blessing: Lucifer is capable of learning demonic magic and boasts a considerable resistance to it, at the cost of being highly vulnerable to Angelic and light-based magic. Ageless: Through both demonic possession and lack of a soul inside him, Lucifer does not age. He can still be killed by normal means, however. Speaking in tongues: Empusa understands foreign tongues and black speech and , if she feels like it, she can translate any foreign language into something Lucifer can understand She Who Mauls: When badly injured or infuriated, Empusa gains control over Lucifer's body. Whilst under her control, he becomes faster, stronger and tougher. However, Lucifer cannot control himself in this and is left totally at the mercy of the demon. [b]Talent(s):[/b] Lightweight: Lucifer is physically lighter than most people. As such, he walks quietly and can walk along weak structures, but is knocked down more easily, sleeps for longer if tranquillised or hypnotised and can be lifted up easier. Agility: Lucifer is quick and nimble, can run swiftly, climb buildings with relative ease and can jump out the way of slower attacks. Ambidextrous: Lucifer is comfortable using either his left or his right hand. Intimidating Presence: Being host to a demon isn't a good thing. With his solid eyes and pale complexion, Lucifer is slightly feared by the peasantry and even some nobility. Medic: Lucifer knows a great deal about plants and chemicals when it comes to healing, and he knows exactly what kind of balms and salves to apply to what wounds. I Hear Voices... : Lucifer is the only one who can hear Empusa's voice, unless she has total control over him and thus his voice (See She Who Mauls above). One can often finding him 'talking to himself' even in public. Nyctophobia: Lucifer is terrified of the dark, not least because Empusa loves tormenting him with tales of demons who attack their prey in the dark. Demon Detection: Empusa recognises her kin and will point out other possessed to Lucifer. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucifer is can generally be described as a kind-hearted, yet disillusioned, young man. Once idealistic and naïve, his monastery's failure to exorcise him has left him cynical of organised religion and lead to his own self-excommunication. At his heart, though, he still believes in the ultimate goals of world peace and tolerance for all. He does his best to help the poor, sick and suffering and is willing to work with either side that makes good on a promise to aid those in need of help. But Empusa has other plans for him. She acts as his tempter, telling him to forsake the 'unachievable' goal of peace and tolerance and instead work on making himself and those closest to him more comfortable and prestigious. To start with, this was a tolerable annoyance. But constant wear will break even the firmest of walls and nowadays Lucifer is left begging for Empusa to shut up. The demon herself is, as many demons are, indulgent, reckless and carefree. She loves tormenting her poor host with scary tales, threats, demands and general irritation. Despite this, she is very protective and possessive of Lucifer, often referring to him as 'her human', something that never fails to creep him out. [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Extras:[/b] Being possessed, Lucifer feels more comfortable around 'monster' races – goblins, orcs, demons, lizardmen, slimes, etc. - than he does around more humanoid races – dwarves, elves, humans, etc. ------ Since the allegiance will determine the bio, I've left the bio blank and put Undecided as an allegiance. Any ideas?