Archer regarded his master with the exact same expression of slightly detached amusement, eyes flicking over the general area of the Command Seals with a slight spark of distaste as they appeared on the woman's arm. "You will be pleased to know I am fully capable of fighting this war without any support from you as a necessity, though of course it is my preference to keep you safe." He declined to mention that he would be able to carry on for some time after her death. There was no need to spook the woman with the idea that she might die during the oncoming conflict and with any luck he would be able to prevent that from happening. As far as everything else regarding the war well...he would do his duty and play his role, no more no less. What she wanted in terms of her participation was no business of his. " to determine an appropriate first step to winning this war? I may need to do some scouting in terms of the area..."