[h2][color=darkviolet]Niall Christianson[/color][/h2] [h3][color=darkviolet]Comet Dormitory[/color][/h3] Niall heard Blake's footsteps long before he opened the door. Everyone had a certain sound to their steps and Niall could tell nearly everyone he had regular contact with apart if he bothered to pay enough attention to differentiate. He had to be careful not to move too quickly or shift when Blake was around. He had done rather well thus far. They had been roommates a while now and he didn't think he had given himself away. He might eventually tell Blake exactly what he was. He seemed more curious than anything about Niall. When Blake did open the door Niall didn't smile, that would have shown a set of canines that shouldn't be in a human mouth. He did give Blake a closed mouth grin of sorts and speak "[color=darkviolet]Hey, I see you've been to the library again.[/color]" He commented while going to sit on his bed.