[h1][center]Crescent Dorm-Magdaline[/center][/h1] After helping with her bags, she closed the door behind her and dragged the rest of her things over near her bed. She watched as she talked and examine her side of the room before speaking "[b]Thank you~ I'm still not finish with it, but I appreciate your compliment of what is done. You can call me Mags or Magdaline. And I'm a bit an at major working with literature and Graphic design mainly, what kind of genre are you into? I usually do short stories[/b]" Magdaline wanted to make her feel comfortable and seeing that she is a bit of a chatty cathy it shouldn't be awkward. She went back to the paint and put her gloves on to finish painting the other half of her accent, While painting she awaited her answer. She felt old even though their age difference isn't far apart, she was a third year and she was a freshy, nothing wrong with it though it just made her realize how time was going by. She sometimes forgets how fast time can go and seeing Amanda made her feel like she needed more excitement in her life, to feel more human. Magdaline had forgot about the light she offered and turned around " Oh~! I'm sorry for ignoring you, but I;d like the black lights if you don't mind?"