Further beyond the reach of humans far to the east Is the Titan lands. Here giants and titans live in oversized clan sturctures most made from stone. They live in a tribal style, where their is one chief and other heads of different factions in the clan. This is Olympus. Not atop a mountain but in fact from a mountain. They tore down an entire mountain range to make their dwellings. They carved great markers out of surrounding mountains to warn other creatures these lands are claimed by the larger races of the world. Little is know of the leaders or culture. All who would travel through the giant lands and wish to tell of their exploits are never heard from. [hider=Olympus Marker] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/68/1200x701_12361_TERA_concept_art_05_2d_fantasy_landscape_architecture_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider]