The Terminators, being pulled into the gory dream of Khorne, find Aleros' decision as their only salvation. Aleros, heroically denying the Daemon's luring request, charges towards the throne at the edge of the room in the name of defying chaos. [color=ed1c24][b]"You choose unwisely, Emperor's pet! Now you will see the powers of the REAL Gods!"[/b][/color], a tentacle, it's exterior slimy with blood, pulls itself up much like a tree-limb in front of Aleros' stride to trip him. The chaplain's charge was soon stopped by the commanded limb, and his brethren were pulled up from their kneeling position and teleported before him. [color=ed1c24][b]"You trust in nothing more then a corpse! If you believe so much in a mummified hoax, then your brethren will become what they admire!"[/b][/color]. Rand, Zethidis, and Diemos all suddenly started to age, wither, and crumble to dust before Aleros' eyes. Their bodies becoming flaked chrysalises, finally breaking open to reveal freshly born Bloodletters, their skin bleeding and maws drooling. The bloodletters prepare themselves for a battle against the lone Chaplain... Meanwhile, the remainder of the terminators wake up from their horrid dream state, coming face-to-face with a Tzeentchian Daemon Prince, looming over them in an unidentified chamber of the Space Hulk. [color=00aeef][i]"Ahh... So you've awakened from my lovely lullaby."[/i][/color], the dark prince cooed, stepping back to allow the shaken Terminators a chance to stand. The Daemon, his complexion blue and pulsing, picked up the only terminator that remained sleeping, Chaplain Aleros. [color=00aeef][i]"Your friend stays still evermore. His effort was valiant, yet dim-witted. He could've woken up with you all, but, as planned, he stayed within his chaotic womb."[/i][/color] The lord of change added before strapping the comatose Black Templar onto his back. [color=00aeef][i]"Oh, don't worry my children. You will get your companion back, after I fulfill my promise. You will die, as I said."[/i][/color] The enemy paused as he arched down to look ever closer to the startled heroes. [color=00aeef][i]"You can thank Aleros for that."[/i][/color] A large warped sword bore suddenly down onto the unsuspecting Astartes, the oddly colored flames cutting into all of their flesh. [b]Daemon Prince[/b] hits a random amount of [b]Terminators[/b] [color=ed1c24][b](AoE)[/b][/color][list] [*][b]Deimos[/b] takes a total of [b]6[/b] damage! [*][b]Rand[/b] takes a total of [b]7[/b] damage![/list] The Terminators, flung back from the forceful attack, retaliate back onto the enemy with the overwatch they had prepared for the daemons inside their heads. [b]Rand[/b] over watches at [b]Daemon Prince[/b] [color=ed1c24][b](AoE)[/b][/color][list] [*]Daemon Prince takes a total of [b]11[/b] damage! [*]Daemon Prince takes a total of [b]6[/b] damage![/list] [b]Deimos[/b] over watches at [b]Daemon Prince[/b][list] [*]Diemos rolls a [b]31[/b] for BS [*]Daemon Prince rolls a [b]17[/b] for BS [*]Deimos hits! [*]Diemos deals a total of [b]5[/b] damage![/list] Zethidis, his servo skull coming alive, is able to identify the warp beast before them. [center][b]Daemon Prince;[/b][/center][list] [*][b]Xzechavin Nullika;[/b] [color=007236][i]32 Health[/i][/color][/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s][list] [*][b]Brother Rand;[/b] [color=007236][i]4 Actions[/i][/color] [*][b]Chaplain Aleros;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [*][b]'Brother' Deimos Kabal;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [*][b]Brother 'Skullcavus' Zethidis;[/b] [color=007236][i]3 Actions[/i][/color] [/list]