[hider=Layla Alabasta] Name: Layla Alabasta Age: 19 Gender: female Personality: Layla is generally easy going. She is easy to get along with and isn't to overly hyper about anything. Her emotions generally range from slightly frustrated, to somewhat excited. (Not a large range of emotion in other words.) If she is ever pushed farther than slightly frustrated she usually erupts into what one might describe as a demon like persona and it is hard to calm her down. Just don't get on her bad side. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/Dv1VlC6.jpg[/img] Height: 5'2 (sorry American and lazy) Body type: Slender agile, flexible Possible weight: 130 lbs (again...American) Eye color: Ice blue Hair color: White Emblem location: left side of neck Magic level: medium Type: Caster Specialization: Requip Style: melee Spells: none Equipment: [hider=Requips] [hider=swordsman armor][img]http://i.imgur.com/0FCGU3u.jpg[/img] This armor allows her swordsmanship skills to excel. Often doubling or tripling her skills allowing her to cut through and dodge mostly anything.[/hider] [hider=Assassin armor] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g9S5X6n.jpg[/img] This armor allows her to move more swiftly and she becomes more stealthy when wearing it. Allowing her to sneak up on almost anything.[/hider] [hider=Nebula Armor] [img]http://i.imgur.com/02cl10U.jpg[/img] This is her most powerful armor. Given to her by her mother who also used requip magic. It is the only armor that combines the abilities of all the armors she owns as well as the knowledge of the former owners. An ancient armor that has been passed down through her family for many generations. However it is the hardest to summon and most difficult to hone. Layla only uses this armor when in sever situations. [/hider] [/hider] Title: none History: Layla lived with her mother, who taught her how to use her magic until the age of 14 when her mother passed away from a sever illness. Her father died when she was young. After which she took to the streets until she found the Golden Dragon guild when it was just getting started. She has spent her time training, looking for new armor, and taking jobs since then. [/hider] [hider= Zander Laztar] Name: Zander Laztar Age: 23 Gender: Male Personality: outgoing and happy. Not much can bring him down. He usually seems as though he is on cloud nine all the time. There are times where his mood flips into something dangerous and sinister. He will often remove himself from the company of other people should this happen. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/yZly7re.jpg[/img] Height: 6 foot 4 inches Body type: tall and lanky he doesn't appear to have much muscle on him though he is actually quite strong Possible weight: 160 (30 lbs muscle weight Eye color: Green Hair color: Red Other important features: Zander has scars that cover his entire upper body from shoulders to hips on his torso and shoulders to elbows on his arms as though he was attacked by wild animals. [hider=scars][img]http://i.imgur.com/GQn3FqU.jpg[/img][/hider] Emblem location: He has one on his eyepatch (yellow) and another one on his right side directly under his armpit (yellow) Magic level: Medium Type: Caster Specialization: Takeover magic [hider= forms] [hider=Snake Man] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MlnafbI.jpg[/img] Like many of his forms the snake man is half human. The first form he had managed to control this form allows him to effectively crush his enemies like a python. The claws on this form are also extremely poisonous. [/hider] [hider=Wolf Man] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1fQLiN1.jpg[/img] The second form he learned to control. This form is the least humanoid out of the ones he has. In this form he has the strength and speed of a wolf but the intelligence of a human. [/hider] [hider=Demon Necromancer] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RYcFE79.jpg[/img] This is his third mastered form and one of his more powerful. This form, as it implies, allows him to summon two demon hounds. He only has control over these hounds in this form though they can remain until the are destroyed or he sends them back to their demon realm. However if not in this form he is just as prone to the demon hound's attacks as anyone else.[/hider] [hider=Fire Demon Lord] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6CS6RxC.jpg[/img] This form Zander has yet to gain full control of. His most powerful form, however, his most demanding form. In this form Zander can function as a high level Fire wizard. Easily rivaling a dragon slayer or a God slayer, or even a dragon itself, fire of any kind only makes this form more powerful. However due to the power of this form it tends to act on its own if Zander holds it for to long. This form is also the reason Zander's left eye is red. He is never quite able to make this form go away so negative emotions bring it forward easily. He hopes that once he gains control of this form he his eye will go back to normal. [/hider] [/hider] Style: Melee Physical Mutations: Zander's left eye is red, which is why he keeps it covered Spells: none Equipment: none Title: Demon Necromancer History: Zander raised himself for the most part. His abilities as a takeover magic user started blossoming when he was young and he had little control so he had distanced himself from his family since about he age of 10. His many scars came from his forms essentially trying to rip themselves out of his body before he had learned to control them. (The rest will be revealed in the RP) [/hider]