[h3]Sister Phoebe Miriam - Church convent[/h3] For a moment, Phoebe believed she had made some mistake. She had expected... Something else, not this dark figure, and fear spread across her face as she gaved at it. Not for herself, no, but for what she believed the Church would do to her for her failure. But as soon as the figure spoke, her fear began to subside. "Ah, I... I suppose I am, yes," she said, her lips quivering nervously as she stared in awe and... Admittedly still a little fear of her Servant. She wasn't the only one who was a little uneasy here, either, as out of the corner of her eye she noticed Sister Alicia cautiously reaching for something within her robes. "I am Sister Phoebe Miriam of the Roman Catholic Church, and it is an honour to meet you." A faint smile spread across the white nun's face as she curtsied, and soon enough the other four nuns repeated the gesture.