First off, sorry for the confusion over my character design. I've generally seen [url=]telepathy[/url] used as a slight umbrella term, with the two major subsets being telepathic communication and telepathic manipulation, and if a telepath only has access to a certain variety of telepathy, then their telepathy would generally be listed as whatever title best illustrates the subset they can use (so I'll probably end up changing the title in my CS to "telepathic communication"). Secondly, I would like to clarify that I had never intended to have anything more in-depth than basic memory manipulation (e.g. getting someone to forget the last five minutes), since any form of mind control could actually be difficult to [i]not[/i] godmode with. Regardless, in making the second character sheet, I began to prefer the new version of the Geist rather than the original concept, so I have no intention of trying to go back to the original; I just wanted to clarify my original intent. :-)