[hider=Lorena Negasi] [b]Name:[/b] Lorena Negasi ["Lauren"] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Weapon:[/b] Hand axe [similar to hatchet, but more specialized in beating the crap out of something than chopping firewood] [b]Specialty:[/b] Party Tank [Boxing, Wrestling] [b]Semblance:[/b] [u]What Is Hype May Never Die [/u]- Grows stronger and more durable in the presence of positive, giddy, or nervous energy. It's not like she turns into the Hulk in a social setting, but if she's with a friend or two cheering her on in a fight, she'll find that her blows come easier and the blows that hit her back seem like more of a dull ache than anything else. [b]Personality:[/b] A hot-blooded young girl with a zest for life, nights out, and a good scrap, Lauren is the epitome of a born leader with no resources to actually do anything. Growing up in a poor ([i]poor[/i] poor) family taught her to make due with whatever help friends could offer, but in the end, only she could make what she deserved in life. Thus, a young girl who was more than happy to get loud in her parents ears grew into a bold, determined young woman who could feed off the energy of people around her and settle a situation as quickly as she could escalate it. Quick to laugh, quick to zone out, quick to get riled up, and quick to forgive, Lauren naturally tends to be fidgety and addicted to energy. This makes her an exceedingly average and dreamy student until a team exercise rolls around. [b]Color:[/b] Hot white [effervescent, glossy white] [b][b]Emblem:[/b] A stick figure young woman with devil horns, twirling an axe between her stick hands. Appearance: [/b] [hider=Lauren Negasi] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mNbyFMS.png[/img] [/hider] When outside her uniform, Lauren gives the illusion of being an inch or two taller than her natural five foot eight, with a perpetual pep in her step and a brash loudness that seems to slightly puff her up. Naturally dark-complected and built like a fighter, her favorite casual jacket emphasizes her build - long-sleeved, smooth white leather with a supportive gold-trimmed collar, cutting off just south of her diaphragm and exposing her (usually topless) rib cage and waist. On the back of the jacket, printed in similar burnished gold, is the word "WALLAHI" in jersey-block text. The word "BRUH" is written in the same text underneath it, where the number on a jersey would usually go. Occasionally, when she wears it around her waist, she'll sport a black tank top in its stead. Otherwise, her accessories are limited to half a dozen hemp bracelets up her right arm, a hair band worn around her left wrist, and an amethyst ring on her right ring finger. [/hider]