[center][img]http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NErfxQp69fy4ur_1_b.jpg[/img][/center] Doom walked through the large double doors into the main chamber of the castle, while the Throne room to many was believed to be the heart of the council this room was truly it. A large super computer took up one side of the room, with various screens of ridiculous sizes. Two doom bots closed the doors behind him, while he could close them himself why should he lower himself to do a peasants work? Moving to the console he activated the screens, looking at them as all the major events from the news appeared on the screens. A battle in new york with a green goliath and two would be heroes stepping in to stop it, what people were calling an angel in Lebanon and the youngest Stark releasing some new technology. He shook his head slightly. The Stark family had typically been rather intelligent, nothing compared to him obviously, it was sad to see such a mind to go to waste on items of no real significance, games and screens for idiots who couldn't keep their mobile devices from breaking? No, he much preferred his fathers work. He had even purchased some weapons of Stark both through legitimate and... less legitimate channels. However he didn't not bat an eye over it, they were for the defense of Latvaria and he would defend her by any means from the rest of the world. What was interesting was this appearance of an angel, and some people were calling the hammer wielding one "Thor" due to the hammer, despite the obvious gender difference from the age old Myths. There was already an online mass hysteria on whether or not these were the real gods that people should be worshiping, the ones of norse myth. As how could you not? There was undeniable proof of them existing. Several people according to his searches were already converting and trying to learn more, anything to do with Norse Mythology was trending right now. With a winged angel reminiscent of a Valkyrie and the rumored female Thor the internet was exploding. Such idiots, Doom was superior in every way. Though with the fact the one with wings was an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D could work to his advantage, the [i]request[/i] already sent to Fury that she be his escort for his upcoming trip to America. [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/unsuper/images/3/33/Captain_America_Title.png/revision/latest?cb=20141214031746[/img][/center] "'Atta girl." Wilson was in the back of a Quinjet, approaching the savage land. However as he had already checked all the briefing files they had on both the savage land and the corporation that was wanting to take dinosaurs, after somehow discovering the savage land, he had turned his attention to keeping an eye on the news. The Hulk was still pretty major, was was Spider-man and the triceratops but Valkyrie had made a big impression somehow, the media had also connected the dots far quicker than he would have liked to her true identity. The BBC must have been on full action stations to find out so quickly, or perhaps her family was more well known than he had thought. One thing was sure, her training had sure has hell paid off. The bringing back to life thing was a bit, odd though. He actually found it disconcerting, this was a world full of extraordinary people doing extraordinary things... However bringing people back from death? Was there no line that couldn't be crossed? That was only if the media was being genuine however, there was no way to prove if the people she had brought back had actually been dead. It was just something he would have to find out later.