[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oK3sDOU.png?1[/img][/center] “Oh, Frosty, the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul!” Bobby voice sang cheerfully over the sounds of the carnage that was ensuing on the dimly lit street in Salem Center. The X-men moved through the air at a startling rate, a column of ice appeared beneath his feet as he moved. Below him, a very peculiar battle was taking place. Monstrous shapes of ice lumbered about, with the ice golems striking any enemy that crossed them with a frosty appendage. Their enemies? Purifiers. A group of religious mutant hating terrorists. Terrorists. As if the media would ever call anyone killing mutants that. The thought made Bobby sick. Deciding to take his mind off such things, Bobby thought it was time to join the fray. Turning sharply, Iceman stopped circling the conflict, with him instead diving straight down into it. His fist collided with the head of a hooded Purifier as he landed, with Iceman knocking him off guard. Moving his frozen fist once more, he brought it up, sucker punching the whack job from below. Before he could make a witty remark or an ice related pun however, Bobby caught sight of another Purifier turning his high tech rifle towards him. Moving up his arms, a wall of ice jutted out of the ground in front of him, acting as a blockade as the man fire his rifle. The icy barricade was no match for the gun’s energy blast however, with the wall exploding into pieces and disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Reacting quickly, the mutant shot a blast of ice from his now outstretched arm, with him freezing the man’s gun solid. It shattered as the man reared back in shock, giving the hero ample opportunity to burst forward and finish the job. The sound of squealing echoed through the group. Turning Bobby found himself impressed, with every Purifier down for the count. Well, nearly everyone. The groups apparently leader seemed to be the last man remaining. Something he was very aware of. “This won’t be the last you’ll see of me, you abomination!” He bellowed at the hero before turning to run. The thought made Bobby chuckle slightly as he watched the man sprint up the road. Iceman looked around himself briefly at the surround ice golems, who seemed to be watching too. “A ball, if you will, Squire” Bobby requested smugly, holding up his hand expectantly. One of the golems next to him dropped what appeared to be a snowball into his hand. Smiling, Bobby moved his fingers and coated the ball in a thick layer of ice. He readied himself. He only had one shot. “Oh, Frosty, the Snowman…” Bobby began to sing once more. Bobby threw the ball. It hurtled through the air, descending upon the running racist. The man dropped to the floor as it collided with his body. “…was alive as he could be.” [hr] It didn’t take long for Bobby to clean up the mess he had made. The ice golems simply collapsed into slush, leaving a muddle puddle around a group of unconscious hooded men. The tiring part had been moving the knocked out group onto the pavement, where Bobby had lined their bodies against a wall before giving each Purifier a pair of their very own handcuffs made of ice. He decided to the leave the scene straight away after calling the police. Knowing them, they’d probably find a way of arresting them too. However before this, Bobby had taken a look at the Purifier’s weapons. Their kit seemed like highly advanced tech. It was so much different from when the X-men had last gone against them. So different that Bobby even found it quite suspicious. Who had given them this stuff? Deciding that it would probably be best not to let the tech fall into the hands of the likes of the police, Bobby rubbed his hands together and worked his magic. Minutes later Bobby was making his way back to the mansion, a horde of snowmen following him, their arms full of weapons.