[h2]Other Saber[/h2] With his Master identified, and the other nuns clearly on her side if she was the church's direct representative in this war and not just one keeping an eye on it, the black knight removed the distortion, [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/0/0b/Zero_berserker.png/revision/latest?cb=20121211184806]revealing distinctive, yet still alarmingly spiky, armour[/url]. Much of the rest of the threatening appearance was dispelled by the simple expedient of 'remove the helmet', revealing oddly purple hair and a rather severe set of features that seemed to be permanently disappointed. "I am Saber, summoned to win this war," the man stated, "Yet to draw my blade before it is needed would be a disaster. For now, Master, I request access to any other weapons you can provide."