[h2]Fio Mal-Rai[/h2] Fio cracked her knuckles as her Servant described what he desired. Well that was simple enough, really. Certainly he was meant to win the war, but why make him angry by trying only to do things that directly benefited that path? That just didn't make any sense at all. It wasn't as if she had any shortage or resources in order to fund the purchase of a few history books or whatever. Besides, his class was Caster. That meant that scouting the area was best done in tandem. She could make her way to the local bookstore while he found got his information about his surroundings. It was, naturally, a course of action that would undeniably be a step towards victory. Just as any other course of action she could take. Fio glanced at the back of her right hand. Well, there it was. The angular shape of her command seal, the three spells that would allow her to deliver undeniable orders to her Servant. She preferred not to use them if possible. Wouldn't that sour their relationship? Hah, she wasn't an idiot. But if she needed instant support, that was another matter entirely. Reaching into her suit pocket, she pulled out a pair of gloves and pulled them over each hand. "In that case, I'll take a trip out to the local book store while scouting," she began, "With you in spirit form and my command seal hidden, it won't be easy to identify us as Master and Servant immediately." With that, she turned and headed for the door. [h2]Saber[/h2] Saber inclined her head to the side slightly as she watched her Master's face spread into a wide grin. While it made her feel as if her Master appreciated her services, it was certainly an uncouth action, was it not? This moment of her declaring her services, her intent to win victory for her Master, was one to be undertaken with the utmost seriousness and care. When her Master expressed worry about not being a suitable magus, Saber shook her head. Her Master's concerns about being a sub-standard Master were not holding true. Saber could feel the support from her Master, the bond had formed properly as prana went from the girl to her. To put it simply, while her Master may not have been the best among magi, there was no question that she was sufficient as a supplier of prana. As of now, the black-haired young woman who was one of the blade-wielding Servants of this war would have no problem operating in combat and against her opponents. Naturally the performance of higher-ranking abilities would utilize more prana, but currently that was not her chief concern. "In spite of your uncouth behavior," Saber began, unwilling not to address such actions, "I am glad to have been summoned by you, Kishinami-dono. You need not worry, our bond has formed properly and I will pursue your victory to my fullest capabilities." After a moment's pause and consideration, she continued. "Unless you wish to rest, I feel there is only one logical option presenting itself. While the Grail has granted me knowledge of this modern world, I must see it for myself in order to understand our battlefield. I advise that I am allowed to investigate this location tonight."