[u]Collab Between [color=blue]Abysmal[/color], [b]Rai[/b], and [color=fff200]McHaggis[/color][/u] Carl laughed, it was indeed an interesting sight. After they each laughed it off Carl turned his attention back to the boy called Korrigan. [b][color=blue]"Korrigan, it was nice to meet you Korrigan. It was nice to meet you too, Norman."[/color][/b] he said now turning to the trainer with the Squirtle. [b][color=blue]"Well, I was planning on heading out. I was gonna go to route 5 to train up my Pokemon for the Santalune Gym. You guys are welcome to come."[/color][/b] He said turning to look at both of them. He hoped his new acquaintances would accept his offer. Norman tilted his head from side to side in consideration, taking a good while to decide. When he did, he tentatively nodded. [b][color=ffd658]"I'll tag along, yes. Never fussed about training Pokemon for battle before but it might come in handy."[/color][/b] A shrug. The Pokeball by his belt rattled ominously as if the Squirtle was not entirely happy being contained. [b][color=ffd658]"Might do some good for this little guy too."[/color][/b] Litwick, of course, didn't need it, but she definitely loved being the strongest. If the water Pokemon ever grew more powerful than she was, there would be tears. Korrigan noticed Norman's guarded gaze in his direction, though he chose not to comment on it. During his travels to Lumiose, he'd received more than his fair shares of stares whether he was wearing his robes or not. Most people couldn't help but feel intimidated by his eyes, which was something he could never understand. His eyes were a result of a special, if slightly painful ritual. It was something that was earned once an initiate proved himself capable of being a full-fledged priest, and Korrigan was the youngest to ever receive the honor, and thus he took great pride in them. [b]"I'd be honored, as I had little idea of where to go myself after coming here. Besides, you and your pokemon seem like interesting travelling companions."[/b] Korrigan said with a grin, he reached up to give both Jet and Fidget a scratch behind the ears, lightening the Froakie's mood slightly and causing the Noibat to let a excitable screech which would probable cause a bit of a headache for those who could hear it, Korrigan included. Gripping his head, he looked up at the hyperactive Dragon pokemon with a sigh. [b]"Hopefully that doesn't become a habit."[/b] Jet and Regina had both fallen to the floor gripping their heads, with Jet calling out a lot in Fidget's direction. It didn't take much to figure out the words were less than kind, as the Noibat sank down into his hood, looking rather disheartened. [b]"Jet, be nice to Fidget please, he didn't know any better. Remember, in order to solve problems, you must understand the root of them. Fidget isn't used to controling his volume yet, so we have to be understanding and give him time to learn."[/b] As he spoke he reached into his hood to bring out the rascal in question, rubbing his head slighly before setti g him back on his perch. [b]"No need to feel ashamed, Fidget, everyone makes mistakes, it's how we learn."[/b] Jet didn't seem very interested in forgiving Fidget, giving the Dragon a mean look at every opprotunity, while Regina looked at him and shook her head, obviously not approving of his behavior. This small argument was soon interrupted, however, as the other trainer's pokemon came over to investigate the newcomers. Jet ignored the Piplup, giving them a rather bored look as they came close while Fidget, already over his embarrassment, swooped down onto the Gible, eager to play with his new friend. Regina was having none of any of it, staying behind her trainer and keeping an eye on the two other humans, not trusting them in the slightest. [b][color=blue]"Great!"[/color][/b] Carl was obviously happy that he had new travel companions, and so was Piplup and Gible. Piplup walked over to the other water type, and Gible to the other dragon. Carl smiled. He was happy that his Pokemon were making friends as well. After the Pokemon were done meeting each other, Carl continued, [b][color=blue]"Well, the gate to route 5 isn't far from here. We could go now, or if you want to do something before we go, that's fine with me."[/color][/b] Carl had a bright smile on his face, eager to get going, but he would gladly wait if his new friends wanted to do something else first.