I don't see a friend option. Have you gone crazy Jollan? I do however see that they've finally implemented arena stats. It's taken them a while, but hopefully those over on the arena section are grateful for it. If anything, I hope that arena section can grow a little bit because of it too. I used to love arenas, it's where I made a few of my favorite characters. Tek might be the only one to know this character, but Nu was made originally for arena RPs. Jollan, I feel like the only way to fix your predicament is by joining 50 different RPs, and GMing 3 of your own. This way, no matter what, you have something to reply to, or post on, about... Every 5 minutes or so. Happy pageclaim to me! Happy pageclaim to me! Happy pageclaim dear Ragna~! Happy pageclaim to me!