[@GeliophobHyena] [@Jinxer] [@Dubwarlock] Hi, all! Nice to "meet" you more officially. :) I am really wishing I had picked a username that better lent itself to nicknames; I spent [i]forever[/i] trying to choose. All my old handles were outdated and pretty damn embarrassing. Anyway, to mimic some of the other people who added a bit more about themselves: I'm 24, graduated a year ago with a degree in English, and read/watch a lot of genre fiction that would shame some of my former professors. (Some, but not all: my favorite lit teacher let me write a seven-page paper about [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i] for my final, thus cementing her as my favorite.) Right now, I just work part-time, usually three to four days a week, so I should be able to drop in pretty regularly! [@ViridianHue],[@redbaron1234], want to join in on the intro party? :) And if I've missed anyone, I'm sorry!