[h1][center][color=a0410d]RUSS[/color][/center][/h1] The ballroom had not been nearly as hard to find as Russ had feared it would be. As it turned out, a crowd of students all jammed into one room contained a fair amount of noise that even the long, elaborate halls of Beacon couldn't stifle for long. Much like the cafeteria, the place was fairly packed when she arrived, and many of the students were either laying down or sitting in groups conversing with one another. She liked it, Russ always had a fondness for busy places. With everyone doing their own thing, it was easy to just relax and get lost in the noise. She found an open area and shed the casual leathers she wore. Beneath that were a pair of modest knee-length briefs and an undershirt that ran to her neck and forearms. Years spent living in the sweltering heat of a forge had her accustomed to sleeping light, and even though Beacon wasn't quite as hot, a day spent wrapped up in her armor had been enough to warrant dressing down to her. She didn't embarrass easily, but she wasn't exactly itching to show her scars to a room full of strangers either. As the night began to wear Russ found herself laying back and reading from the little dictionary. Hat, cat, bat, rat, love, hate, bait, rate, yada yada yada. She didn't need to run through the three and four lettered words anymore but it never hurt to keep herself sharp. It was the larger words, the ones like "Subscriptions" and "repugnance" and "ostentatious" that tripped her up. On good days she could get them without much of a stutter, but on bad days she'd find herself hung up on things like "detect" and "sheathe". Tonight was apparently one of those times. [color=a0410d]"Eff...ever...effer? Effer...vesck...effervescant? Oh, effervescent. Fuck, should have known that one."[/color] She kept her voice low and the book tilted away from others. Russ had removed the sleeve long ago, leaving the cover blank, but still if anyone caught her gawking at a dictionary they might get the wrong idea. Or worse, they'd get the right idea, and she'd likely never hear the end of it. [color=a0410d]"Alright, that's enough of this shit for the night,"[/color] she said, and shoved the book back into her bag. By then the room had quieted a bit, and she decided it might be best to try and get a good night's rest before...whatever it was they'd be encountering tomorrow. Russ gathered up her folded gear and laid her head on it, curling up and shutting her eyes. If something happened, she'd be awake in a moment, but luck willing she'd rise up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready. She'd need it, that was for sure. [b](Round 2)[/b]