Niinii looked up to the perpetual night sky of Traverse Town, counting the many still twinkling stars, and his heart sank each time a star suddenly become dim and suddenly vanish into the blackness of the night sky. Niinii has been in a state of heartache as he ran away from his homeworld which just a few days ago he thought was the only one in existence, but he was sadly mistaken. Before those shadowy monsters attacked he would've been so excited to be offworld and learning of the worlds beyond the sky. But watching his world being consumed by those shadowy monsters was the most painful thing he ever had to endure. But he had to keep moving forward, for he will not believe that is to be the fate for Ivalice, he will fix it, like he always does whenever he sees a mistake or something broken, he will do everything to bring back his world and fix it from what those monsters destroyed. And Niinii somehow knew that the thing that saved him, will help get to his desire. Niinii outstretched his short arm and suddenly in a quick flash of light a key like sword materialized in his small twitchy hands, it still felt heavy and uneven in his hands with the key like teeth at the end made it feel lopsided, but it gave him hope, enough to fight back the monsters no matter how much they scared the young Moogle to the core. He has to. Niinii stood up from the small patch of grass he was sitting on, this was the first time in days he had time to somewhat relax and not be working on the ship that made survive his world destruction. He still felt drained and listless from his endeavours, but once he gathered enough energy to walk around and get a better look at the world he ended up in. When he first arrived there was a sign that told him the town was called Traverse Town. But that's all he knows about it, the people here all seemed to be humes, and the few people that noticed Niinii seemed to point out that he looks odd for a moogle. Maybe if moogles are off world that could explain how there was that ship blueprint back in Ivalice that got him here. But he can worry about that later, for now he needs to figure what to do. Niinii walked up the stairs to the higher level of the district he's currently in, which conveniently called district 1. On the top of the stairs is a large building that seems to take up a good amount of space in the district, there is a sign above and to the left of the double doors that depict the words Jewelry in giant neon lights. Should he go in? The Moogle's expression was quizzical and thoughtful as he was unable to decide what to do.