[hider=Jaska Valos] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Jaska Valos[/i][/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]10[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]An aberrant, an unknown scion that was added to the Valos family very recently, and still being introduced. There is something very wrong with this young boy from first glance. He looks bestial, almost demonic. Jaska is a young boy with light-caramel skin, a mixture of his Japanese and Brazilian roots. He's very small, standing at 4'8ft. Now, what makes Jaska so frightening is the manifestation of his powers in the form of physical alterations. A mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, jagged claws on his hands and feet, wings with a twelve foot wingspan, a thin devil-y tail with a blade at the end, three horns above his ears (that point backwards), a one foot long tongue, and [i]pointy ears![/i] Otherwise, he looks perfectly normal, even with a head of black hair. His personality also offsets his looks.[/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Apex-Predator & Inner-Beast.[/i] [indent]Jaska's a beast, he promises more than teeth marks when he attacks. Obviously, the first part of Jaska's power is that he's been given physical alterations. Those alterations do exactly what you'd expect them to do (Idiot). However, Jaska's also been given enhancements in the following areas: strength (Nothing that'd allow him to overpower a fully grown man), speed (On all fours, he's hard to catch), agility (he can pull off flips, and is quite flexible), senses (Hearing, smell, sight - though his hearing is the best), regeneration (He can bounce back from wounds quite well), and camouflage (He's the invisiblessed - but, no, really, he can make himself harder to see). At the cost of being quite frail in this state. On the [i]other[/i] hand, if Jaska is mortally wounded, his inner-beast will activate. It's basically a giant, hulking form (That's one inch taller than Henry, and way cooler), and has strength (Can lift one ton) and durability (He can take physical blows fine, but blades, bullets and energy? Not so much) that matches it. This state lowers his speed by quite a few notches. He'll be a bit faster than the average running speed on all fours - otherwise, he's pretty slow. In this state, he'll rampage around until he's defeated, or runs out of energy - either way, Jaska will be out of it for awhile while he recovers. Oh yeah, before he begins the transformation, his wounds will quickly regenerate before his body focuses on the transformation (In the process, eliminating his regenerative factor for the duration).[/indent][/hider]