[h1][center]Crescent Dorm-Magdaline[/center][/h1] Magdaline listened to her and nodded after taking the lights " We have something in common, though I love Non-Fiction and Fiction plus, I do short stories on the side. If you need any help around here I can help you, first days aren't that bad but a little help could go long ways" She smiled at her and went back to finishing her wall, adding the other coat of paint. She didn't have much to say, and she was particularly not in a good mood, she didn't want that to ruin anything though, so she sucked it up and tried her best to make her feel at home. Maybe she was feeling sick of being at this college without any social life, she was amazed at how she managed to go 3 years without a close friend. She looked back at Amanda and thought she should get to know her more. " So, have you decided what you'd be majoring? Have you taken a look around the campus maybe?" She wanted to keep the silence short, keeping the conversation going was hard when you hardly know the person, but she was trying. " If you haven't had a chance to see the campus I'd be glad to show you around some, I'd just have to change really quickly. And sorry if I seem kind of bland, I just really hate these parts when meeting people, I swear I'm tons of fun" She sighed and shrugged to herself a bit. [@ThatWeirdChick]