Society Religion, unlike other religions, denies any type of moral code or truths as stated in the "Hymn of the Fool" which contains the quote "O triumphant soul of Oxameter, you march a million miles into the bleakness of time, and with it comes reality. But not all are convinced, O tyrant of the skies, and to them you grant a sun. One that sits above their mind and soul and melds that of falsehood to the sciences. Great children of Tzeentch, watch for the souls who bear the name of good and evil, for truth sits not with them. Remember, truth sits not with kings or queens of their right, nor with what your desires dictate. Truth sits where truth pleases, and thus all is right." Also unique to Society religion is the perception of the gods. The three gods of the Society are not viewed as mere deities, but as concepts. Tzeentch is chaos, infinity, and everything while Oxameter is will, power, and strength and Khorne is death, wisdom, and enlightenment.