[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/qdYPzcU.png?1[/img][/center] “So, there’s bad news, Ted” Tracy’s voice rang through the cockpit of the Bug, jolting Chicago’s number one hero, the Blue Beetle, back into focus after a brief excavation of his nose with his finger. Wiping away the booger, the blue clad hero hastily replied. “I’m all ears! Well actually I’m not literally made entirely of ears but I’m listening.” Silence followed the hilarious joke, followed by a deep sigh from Tracy’s end on the communicator. Thinking nothing of It, Ted waited gleefully. “Ok.” Tracy continued, obviously making an effort to keep her voice calm. “I’ve run through all the record of Mercy Hospital, like you asked, and guess what I found?” “Nothing?” “The opposite actually. Take a look.” At once the screen in front of Ted sprung into life, with what appeared to be a stream of what Tracy was currently doing on the Beetle Computer appearing. Ted watched as Tracy strolled through the records, which displayed a whole range of scarred and disfigured faces. Ted instantly understood what she had meant. There were too many to count, and with no way to refine the search, they would have to spend hours reviewing each individual burn victim. Even then they may not even find this crazy Firefist guy. Ted groaned in annoyance as he switched off the monitor. Honestly he had thought that this was going to be a simple mission. Save the people from the burning building; job done. It seemed however that unless he did something, more people could possibly be in danger. His mind shot back to the little girl he had rescued minutes prior. He remembered her screams in the building. Her crying. No, he couldn’t let that happen again. “Thanks, Trace” He replied, trying to sound optimistic. Ignoring her comments about not calling her Trace, he continued. “I’m going to go grab dinner and as soon as I get back, I’ll get to work on search for our new pal!” Smiling to himself, Ted deactivated the ships autopilot, steering to the left towards the coastline. It was hot dog time! [hr] As the Bug neared the Kord Omniversal building, Ted took another bite of his hot dog before flicking a switch to his left. At once a short hum echoed through the cabin; otherwise known as the sound of the camouflage system activating. In other words the retro-reflective panels on the hull activated, rending the vessel invisible from the ground below. The Bug slowed over the Kord building’s roof, stopping above a now opening circular hole in the room. Pulling down on the controls, the ship descended, the blue light of the “Beetle Cave” washing through the cockpit. Not witnessing the commotion taking place in the penthouse in front of the ship, Ted made his way out, hot dog still in his hand. “You really need to try this Trace!” He exclaimed as he strolled out of the Bug and into the room. That was when his eyes lay upon the sight ahead of him. Next to a now face palming Tracy stood a very peculiar dressing man. “Hey, you’re Green Lantern!” Ted managed to shout, despite his mouth being full of sausage and bun. Then he began to take in further details on the costume, causing him to swallow his mouthful in confusion. “Wait… you’re yellow. Shit.” Ted took the whole guy in, from his golden and blue suit, to the golden toaster that hovered in the air next to him. “Who the hell are you?”