[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/qnlmb6.jpg[/img][/center] “Green Lantern? Green Lantern? Are you [i]kidding[/i] me? I’m Booster Gold.” Ted stood, hotdog still hanging out of his mouth, with a notably unimpressed look on his face. It took him a few moments but finally Booster recalled that no one knew him here. Not that much different from back home he thought with a grimace. But he was going to change that, even if it meant going through this guy to find Ted Kord. “Who the hell are you? And where the hell is Ted Kord?” Skeets cleared his throat politely and leant towards Booster. “That [i]is[/i] Ted Kord, sir.” In a matter of seconds Carter’s face shifted from bemusement to complete disappointment. To put it politely, the man stood before him with hotdog relish dripping down his chin was [i]definitely[/i] not what Booster had in mind. He was expecting someone that at least looked the part. Lab coat, bow-tie, tweed trousers on, anything but the blue jumpsuit Kord was stood there in. Was that too much to ask? “What? [i]This[/i] is the guy that’s going to get us back to the twenty-fifth century? No offense, Skeets, but you must have a virus or something. This Phantom knockoff doesn’t look like he could invent his way out of a tin can.”