Here we go! Hope he's appropriate and not too powerful (even though he is the king). I might make another/more character(s) later. [hider= Valorian Lionfury] [hider=Appearance] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] [color=Gold][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Valorian Lionfury. [color=Gold][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 52. [color=Gold][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Male. [color=Gold][u][b]Race:[/b][/u][/color] Human. [color=Gold][u][b]Side:[/b][/u][/color] Lawful/neutral Good. His Royal Majesty King Lionsfury, Stalwart Protector of the Realm, The Lion's Fury, The Bright Lion, ... [color=Gold][u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*][u][i]Heartseeker:[/i][/u] A large ancestral great sword, said to have been passed down the line of Lionsfury. The blade itself is a dull red color, stained according to legends by the blood many foes, although the truth might be less romantic. The blade is nearly as important to the line of kings as the crown itself, said to have been bestowed with multiple enchantments over the course of history. [hider=Actual enchantments] Much as its name suggests, Heartseeker is equipped with an enchantment to guide the trajectory of its blade towards the vital areas of an opponent such as the jugular or a heart. Rather than inflicting injuries, this sword is intended to claim a life with every unblocked swing and strike.[/hider] [*][u][i]Amulet of Kings:[/i][/u] Another royal heirloom, a priceless artifact that should only be worn by the king himself, guaranteeing his safety on the field of battle and in the safety of his own chambers alike. [hider=Actual enchantments] The Amulet of Kings is intended to protect the king from assassination attempts. It glows and emits a faint ringing noise when close to poisonous substances, warning the bearer of possible assassination attempts through poison. In addition to that, it begins to vibrate when close to obviously evil creatures and monsters.[/hider] [*][u][i]Crown of Sovereignty:[/i][/u] Most important among his artifacts, his crown is the single most defining possession of a true king. It is aid to give wisdom and strength to its bearer. [hider=Actual enchantments] The Crown enables Valorian to receive fragments of wisdom and experience of past kings that wore it, as well as protecting his mind from invaders. (mind control, thought reading)[/hider] [/list] [color=Gold][u][b]Abilities/Powers:[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*] [i]Inspiring aura:[/i] Valorian emits a mighty aura of power radiating from his form, inspiring those near him and reinvigorating them. It's enough to make them forget their immediate injuries, push away their fears and rejuvenate their fatigue. [*] [i]Divine protection: [/i] The King surrounds himself with a golden shield, making him immune to ranged attacks and blunting the impact of weapons and spells for a set amount of time. [*] [i]Righteous fury: [/i] Valorian engulfs himself in a cloak of bright flames, increasing his overall strength, endurance, stamina and reflexes tenfold for a set period of time, as well as causing a searing heat to burn his enemies within range. [*] [i]Healing touch: [/i] The ability to heal light to mild wounds. [/list] [color=Gold][u][b]Talent(s):[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*] [i] Veteran commander:[/i] At his age, he has been in multiple battles and has sufficient experience to fill a book of his own. He knows how to maneuver troops and is aware of strategical necessities. [*] [i] Skilled warrior:[/i] He has fought personally in battle, no stranger to combat. [*] [i] Diplomat:[/i] He has long been able to placate the nobles and keep himself on the throne. [*] [i] Wisdom/Intelligence:[/i] Valorian attempts to maintain on top of matters, knowing about the world and those in it. [*] [i] Linguistics: [/i] He has enough knowledge to be able to understand fragments of most languages. [*] [i] Rider:[/i] Most often, Valorian is seated on horseback rather than on foot while travelling and in battle, able to command his horse accordingly. [/list] [hider=Weaknesses] [list] [*] [i]Battlewound:[/i] In one of his numerous battles,the king has been injured in his left leg, never really healed. [*] [i]Paranoia:[/i] Sometimes the king sees evil where there is none. [*] [i]Zealot:[/i] He is convinced of his own judgement and that of holy men. [*] [i]Aging: [/i] Valorian is no longer in the prime of his life and will be unable to keep up with those that are for several things. [/list] [/hider] [color=Gold][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color] Stern and stoic are among two of the best words to describe Valorian, which is quick and efficient: two more concepts Valorian holds great value to. His rule is direct and firm, leaving little to no room for doubt or disobedience. To him, making the wrong choice is not quite as terrible as remaining indecisive towards a decision. Many would consider this rash or even unwise at times. He has a rigid discipline, expecting immediate loyalty when demanded and utter devotion to the crown and the cause. No stranger to combat or battle, Valorian is a firm believer in achieving results, even when it might mean sacrificing certain things. To many of his loyal subjects and supporters, Valorian is an inspiration of determination, willpower, holiness and righteousness. To his enemies and the opposition however, he resembles little else than a narrow minded, ruthless tyrant. To a King, the good and the bad qualities would always be exaggerated depending on their own views. He is willing to shoulder all the burdens of Kingship on his own, never looking back on decisions even if they proved to be the wrong ones in the end, his unwavering personality a beacon of vigilance and single minded determination. In his heart however, he harbors plenty of doubts, though these will never pass out of his inner circle of people whom he trusts, well aware of the power of his public image. [color=Gold][u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][/color] No matter if he wanted to or not, Valorian had always been meant to be king from the very day he was born. As first son of the previous king, nearly every day of his life was spent grooming him for the day of his coronation. This meant lessons from the best tutors from across the land in subjects such as math, history, geography and linguistics. In addition to that, he was also subjected to arduous training in combat, command, diplomacy and logistics. The day where he was to succeed his father came all too soon however. At the mere age of sixteen, Valorian's father and predecessor was slain on the field of battle by dark magics. Rather than to allow the nobles to form a regency, Valorian instantly took up the mantle of protector of the realm, riding into battle and making up for the suffered defeat beforehand that had cost his father's life. After that, there was little to no doubt about his legitimacy and ability to rule, as well as command on the field of battle. Through his many years of leadership, Valorian has been confronted with more than a few threats to both himself, the throne and his kingdom. One of the most prominent occasions was when his younger brother succumbed to the powers of darkness, attempting to overthrow his brother and his realm from within. However, through his vigilance, Valorian was able to quell the rebellion and betrayal while it was still young. He personally ended it by publicly severing his brother's head from his traitorous shoulders, showing his cold detachment and the determination that was needed to win this war to the crowd. However, his rule has not at all been flawless. Due to his near fanatical contempt for the forces of darkness, he would tolerate no corruption in his realm. When word broke out of heresy and people turning to darkness in the town of Rung, Valorian showed some of his true colors. Without mercy or hesitation, nearly the entire population of Rung was put to the sword and torch as an example. Rather than leaving it as a pile of rubble, Valorian ordered all remnants of the town to be erased. Where were once buildings an people, now a vacant field remains, Valorian's attempt to deny darkness any and all footholds within his realm. Much of what happened at Rung remains a mystery however, as many disagree to the extent of darkness that had encroached on it. Was it the site of a massacre or a glorious battle? [hider=Spoiler.]It was a massacre.[/hider] Even more so perhaps than the rest of his subjects, Valorian wishes an end to this conflict, eager to bring battle with a decisive blow in order to scatter the enemy and succeed where his forefathers had not. He disagrees with the notion that there will never be true peace, his ambitious eyes set on victory. [color=Gold][u][b]Extras:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Theme] [url][/url] [/hider] [/hider]