[quote=@Alarieth] I'd say someone with truly evil intent in their heart. Now, I know that sounds pretty vague so allow me to elaborate. It'd be someone who is well aware that whatever he or she is doing is truly evil. However, petty sins wouldn't be counted, otherwise the damned thing would never stop vibrating. At any rate, it would detect the first and third one of your examples. [/quote] Cheers. I ask because since ny guy is probably the least evil - dare I say, he's actually a good guy - if the evil blokes and I was wondering if it would shake in his presence, or in Empusa's. So, if one knew that the person he was serving was evil, but who wanted to do good themself, then it wouldn't shake? Or if one was greedy, lustful and deceptive, but tended more towards indulgence rather than cruelty, would they also be safe?