[b]Manhattan, New York - Abby Taylor's apartment[/b] “Evolved Humans or Evo’s are a threat to the fabric of a stable society. These people have abilities that allow them to do things regular people can’t do. Who knows the full extent of their powers, it’s not just people who can fly and turn invisible out there, there’s individuals who can be anywhere on the planet, even infiltrate your head and peer into your innermost thoughts your telling me people like don’t damage the stability of our society?” [i][b]Beep[/b][/i] A noise was heard as Max Stross reached for his remote and turned the television off then yawned stretching his arms back. He leaned back against his pillow relaxing himself and reaching for his cup of tea and taking a sip. “You people really think you’re going to get results watching television hmm, pointless” Max sighed he was in support of the man that was talking. The Evolved Human situation was a crisis in his mind, he could remember the feeling of uncertainty that coursed through his body when he was watching the news “that night”. He’d never forget the moment when that girl Claire Bennet jumped off the Ferris Wheel fell hit the ground and rose. Any other person would have been dead the minute they hit the ground, but she got up as she’d just tanked a hard blow or something. That was the type of thing he never expected to see outside of a superhero movie, to say it was unsettling would be an under-statement. Shortly after as more about the situation came to light, about evolved humans and a whole species of them being out there. Not just that they where out there, that they could be anybody, anywhere that was crazy. Of course with the fear of this newfound threat, he’d been getting a lot more work for Olympus Inc. And being the businessman he was, he played up to fears his clients had of these people to raise the the price and of course the quality of his service’s provided. As he was in deep thought about everything his phone began buzzing and he reached for it putting his tea down as he examined the caller ID. “Aaaah fuck” Max let out a sigh of disappointment this wasn’t a call he wanted to talk right now but it was one that was necessary. He heard a woman calling out to him from the bathroom asking him who it was. “It’s no one Babe just Blake” [i]Mind your damn business you dumb bitch the way you run your mouth I’d expect your blowjobs to be better then that shit from last night[/i]. He rolled his eyes thinking about the chick using his shower as he swiped to the right answering the phone.” Stross here what’s up man?” “Hey just calling to tell you about another meeting at Us & Them gone through some more files, and going through some recordings, I’ve got together a group I can bring in for a cleansing if you want.” “Really now that’s some of the best news I’ve heard all day, it actually sounds fun, get it set up, I want to attend, I haven’t had any action in a while, today’s gonna be better then I expected.” “No problem boss, consider it done.” The line ended and Max grinned as he reached over for a glock on his dresser and examined it with glee before setting it down as he heard the door knob turning and the woman emerged nude and smiling. “Come on Max the water’s warm why don’t you come join me.” “Don’t mind if i do” He flashed her a smile as he pushed the covers off and hopped out of the bed, today really was going to be better then he expected.