[h1][color=lightslategray]Isabella Stern[/color][/h1] [h3]Crescent Dormitory[/h3] The young woman lay on the large bed in the center of the room, her clock blinking on the bedside table though she lay in the white nightgown with her arms above her head while she slowly blinked the sleep from her eyes. A cat purred against her side, still deep in sleep though the other was not in the bedroom as they normally were in the morning, waking her with their hungry meows. It was different, but it happened every so often as on the nights when she didn't sleep well she tended to roll over onto them or kick them off the bed - Virgil just didn't come back when he was thrown. Eliza almost always came back to cuddle her, since she was the more empathic of the two cats she kept here in her dormitory. Soft grey eyes watched the ceiling as the girl slowly remembered where she was, realizing that it was the room she lived in alone again and not the dream that which she had been stuck inside of her the endless hours of her deep and restless slumber. She felt as if she hadn't slept at all, but would get up nonetheless to prepare herself for the day ahead of her. Rolling out of bed the young woman stood and stretched, the hem of the white night gown brushing the tops of her thighs before she dropped her arms and wandered over to the bathroom where she showered and wrapped the towel around her torso to walk back out to the bedroom where her dress was hanging by her vanity. It was rather early in the morning - only seven o'clock - when she had gotten out of the shower and moved to dress; classes starting at nine am for her first year college experience. She had only been here for a year, having moved into the country and transferring in her final year of high school; she remembered meeting Blake in a quiet area behind the school, reading a book where she had gone to practice her viola for an hour or so. He was her only friend her really, since she barely interacted with anyone else - the other girls tended to avoid her because of the way she dressed as well. It was an hour before the young woman was dressed and ready for school, having eaten and packed all of her things before tying the laces of her boots beneath the skirt of her dress with her satchel over her shoulder and viola case in hand. Ready for her classes as always, her meeting with Blake and their silent conversations as the two would spend their time reading or doing homework without really speaking to one another. What she hadn't expected of course, was for Virgil to go flying out of the room as soon as she opened the door to her room and run down the hallway. The door to the stairway was closed and the elevator was off this morning, so he wouldn't get far; she sighed, going to walk down the hall to get him after setting down her things in her room when the door to the stairwell and one of the younger girls walked through. Virgil slipped through the open door. Isabella took off running, following after the cat even though she was wearing her usual Gothic Victorian attire and a pair of boots that were never meant for running. [hider=the Dress] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=361262[/img] [/hider] [@Mivuli]