Y'all think you're late? Ha! I win. XD I'm WeepingLiberty, 19 year old Liberal Arts Major in Community College. Feel free to call me Weeping, Liberty, Libby or Jade.... All Powerful GM works for this narcissist too. :magnum I'm quite the oddball if you haven't picked up on that yet, but more or less harmless. ^.^ And very fond of my emoticons, I think they're cute. I started roleplaying five years ago on that embarrassingly addictive site known as Rescreatu, very similar to Neopets for those unfamiliar with it. Spent some time on those forums with a friend of mine until they started updates and policy changes we didn't agree with. From there we did our own things over IM and eventually a Webs page I set up for us. I think I mentioned this before but I live on the east coast of the US of A, so that's the timing I generally run with. And my Skype is ravenclawtimelordess (absolute hell for those with Dyslexia isn't it?) if anyone likes random conversations about nothing. XD Well, that's my introduction. It's a pleasure to personally meet all of you and I can't wait to get this started with you all. I would love to start today but my brain is still a little fried from partying last night. But RP gods be willing, tomorrow it is! In the meantime I will be opening this up to one more person if they'd like to submit a CS before we start.