[b]Brooklyn, New York - Streets to Mary's Diner[/b] “Yeah man I’m telling you business is booming cop this shit for the $15 it’s some fucking loud brah.” Jason Koravil was at it again, pushing marijuana. “Fuck with me and I get you on an 8th for $40 right now actually got one pre scaled.” Jason grinned he’d just heard the man’s thoughts about how he was irritated with people charging upwards to $60 for an 8th up here in New York and hurriedly took out his money. Jason locked hands with the man making the transaction putting the 3.5 in his hand and taking the two $20’s in an other. It was pretty easy to make a profit for marijuana when he could just mind control dealers to give him free weed. The man took a whiff of the product in his hands before laughing and putting it in his pocket.” Man Jason your the fucking best! I swear $40 and you got shit like this fuck.” “Hell yeah edibles finna be on deck too fam, trust that, and the xans, molly, all that shit if you tryna be turnt this weekend.” Jason said as he parted ways with the man and began walking counting all the money he’d made dealing. With the power to read minds he could easily find clients, tell if they were snitching or not, and what they wanted and how much. It made him the perfect drug dealer really, his powers were really making every aspect of his life better. He just relaxed managing to stash the wad of cash in his pocket, and checking all his pockets to see if he’d finished selling all the drugs on him. [i]All sold out hell yeah and I still got hella shit at the spot to go through. [/i] He was walking back to his spot when he went to go check his phone and just grinned. He’d managed to get one of his beats to A$AP Rocky and made a whopping $30,000 thanks to some mind control, not to mention he’d continue making money off the song. This was going to get J Beats on the map and he considered the quality of the beat really good. He took pride in his music even if he had to use mind control to get ahead in the music game there was a-lot of competition and besides it made sense to use every asset he had at his disposal. Jason put his phone up and began looking around it was time to celebrate this new money. Lately he’d been thinking of various ways he could use his power not only for his amusement but to increase his finances and spotted it Mary’s Diner. He’d been there once or twice and not only was the food excellent, that blond haired waiter he’d gotten both times was real good, and he’d felt no qualms about leaving him a decent tip both times. Plus he respected people who took their job seriously, and worked hard it was a sign of someone who was just as serious about their money as him. He made his way in. “Table for one?” “Yeah that is unless your willing to join me.” Jason responded flirtatiously to the woman who just blushed and lead him to a seat leaving him with a menu. He already knew what he was gonna get. [i]Def in the mood for a good burger some fries and a coke, a classic.[/i] [i]Man Adrien is a fucking looser. Drop out piece of shit, he’s never gonna be shit.[/i] Jason overheard that thought and tuned into the thoughts of some people sitting at a table, scanning their thoughts he rolled his eyes. [i]Ite bet I can have a lil fun..shiit some pre meal entertainment with these haters[/i] Jason focused on them pushing a thought into them so that they’d start getting into an argument. He then focused on the girl who’d first spoke to Adrien who’d brought up the fact that Emmy had spotted him here. She got up clearly pissed from the argument he’d caused to break out, and he pushed one more thought into her head and suddenly she projectile vomited across the table onto another person on the table and Jason had to hold back laughter. The best part about telepathy was being able to fuck with people and he sat back waiting for his waiter to come take his order. [i]I love my life [/i]