[center][img]http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t418/FiroIV/o_9264613c914015d1-0.jpg?t=1436696257[/img] [h2]Setting:[/h2][/center][list] [*]This is set in a Post Apocalypse world. It will not be set in a "civilization has fallen" kind of way, in a "desert wasteland", or even an "overgrown jungle city" kind of way. What happened was a full blown planetary apocalypse that destroys most forms of life resetting back to the stone ages. [*] The Post Apocalyptic event goes like this:[list] [*] Hundreds of meteorites fall from the skies. Each meteorite's size can range from that a baseball to a small house. The impending impact will destroy most of the surface. [*] The falling of the meteorites will cause severe damage to the lands, the oceans, and the skies which will cause earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, acid rain, and tornadoes that will last for weeks if not months. [*] Immediately after these will the cloud blasts and the earthquakes which will release large amounts of gas into the air, which will explode after making contact with any sort of spark, heat, or flame, causing global firestorms. [*] These firestorms will eventually block the sun's heat from reaching earth due to the high concentration of ash in the wind. Once the sun is blocked everything dies in an Ice Age that will last for months. [/list] [*]If there is any remnant of the modern world expect them to be either buried underground, underwater, collapsing, or infested with something. If somehow something remains they're relics, antiques, and dangerously inhabitable. [*]The Fauna will be mostly similar to what's here and now, but don't be surprised if you see gigantism to take effect on insects, reptiles, and mammals. All animals will be wild so you either tame it, kill it, leave it, or it eats you. [*] Regular birds of flight and fish that resemble like they do today will not be present in most if not all scenarios. [*]The Flora will be vastly different. Don't count on seeing wild vegetation that resembles anything like you've ever seen. Expect lots of weird looking trees, grass everywhere, giant mushrooms, and possibly downright poisonous and carnivorous plants. If you want something edible you'll have to make it or risk eating something yourself. [*] Weather patterns will also be highly unstable. Phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, freak thunderstorms, flash fires, and tornadoes will occur. The environment is still young, and free from the reigns of humanity. [*]If you think you'll find some kind of abandoned settlement expect that to be run down. Building your own house will be safer. In the rare occurrence that you do find something safe something probably lives there already. And let's say you find some sort of abandoned shelter well that place is abandoned for some reason.[/list] [center][h2]Shelters:[/h2][/center][list] [*] As a part of the project 13 Colonies they created dozens of shelters in the country to store equipment, tool, food, seeds, materials, and other objects which may help the teams in surviving. [*] They have libraries that contain encyclopedias, how-to books, and guides for nearly all kinds of topics that will help them develop skills for surviving and reestablishing some sort of society. [*] Each shelterr is in a geographically calculated location that was deemed safe and reachable. They would have been in a place that would survive all foreseeable disasters. Each bunker would be buried in a piece of land, which would then be marked by a large statue of some kind. [*] The shelters were designed to suit the environment it was placed in, but most have the same structure. The shelters would shaped like a sphere with it's walls lined with storage boxes. Each sphere could then lead to another sphere containing different thing in their storage boxes. The overall look would resemble a spider's web made with a student's DNA model. [*] The contents of each bunker would be universally the same, but some bunkers were designed differently. These bunkers had a clearer purpose in mind meant to help survivors live and reestablish the world.[/list] [center][h2]Equipment:[/h2][/center][list] [*] Each team was given a set of equipment that they may need to survive. [*] The equipment would be placed in a large military grade backpack. [*] Outside of clothes and personal belongings, which would be packed by the character's family members they would be carrying with them:[list] [*]WIP[/list][/list]