[center][img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7441/8829639782_fcdd3c9ccb_b.jpg[/img] [b][color=39b54a]"Nothing is ever as it seems. No matter how much you think you know, there is always a new discovery lurking and ready to turn the world as you know it upside down."[/color][/b] [b][color=39b54a]Name:[/color][/b] Bridget Peterson [b][color=39b54a]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=39b54a]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=39b54a]Height:[/color][/b] 5'7" [b][color=39b54a]Weight:[/color][/b] 180 [b][color=39b54a]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=39b54a]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Hetero-romantic Asexual [b][color=39b54a]Religion:[/color][/b] Atheist [b][color=39b54a]Occupation:[/color][/b] College Junior [b][color=39b54a]Ability:[/color][/b] Time Manipulation, Power Resistance [b][color=39b54a]Personality:[/color][/b] Bridget is regarded as a quiet person, though that is mostly because she only says something if she feels it is worth saying; she is therefore annoyed by people who talk too much and/or meaninglessly. She is extremely intelligent and gives off an air of confidence such that people her junior are often afraid of her, though for no reason. Bridget is actually a caring and funny person to people who know her and even to strangers depending on her mood and the environment. She is stubborn and unlikely to give in when she knows she is right. Bridget adapts quickly to new situations; her mind clears rather than clouds under stress. [b][color=39b54a]Background:[/color][/b] The first thing Bridget remembers is when she was ten years old. She woke up in the hospital and when it was found that she remembered nothing she was told that she had had a horrible fall. Over the years she was slowly told that her father was a physician who had had a psychological break and started doing twisted 'experiments' on her and her mother. She was told that the police came to their house once her mother had been absent from work for three days. When the police arrived at her house it was said that they found Bridget bleeding at the bottom of the stairs and her mother and father downstairs, her mother dead at her father's feet. Police refused to tell her any more about her life, telling her to move on. Her mother had been estranged from her family after marrying her father (though it was unexplained why) and her father's parents had died when he was young. Bridget was handed off to her mother's sister's family, where she gained a brother and a sister. While she didn't grow particularly close to either, their relationship was amicable. Bridget poured herself into her schoolwork, finding joy in learning. She took the most advanced classes available in high school, focusing on science, and was accepted into Columbia University, moving away from her home in California. During her freshman year Bridget discovered her ability to control time. While it was hard to control at first, she mastered it, like everything she tackled, with constant practice. Bridget found ways to stay in New York City even during breaks when students were required to leave campus, not wanting to go home. Bridget has found it quite easy to keep her ability from others, considering they do not notice when time is manipulated. Bridget is currently majoring in Biochemistry with a minor in Computer Science. (Bridget doesn't know it yet, but she has a resistance to other superhuman powers as long as they are meant to affect her directly. For example, it would not work if someone tried to wipe her memories or steal her powers, but occurrences such as someone creating a ball of fire and throwing it at her or someone with super strength strangling her would not be prevented. It is mostly a self-defense mechanism and is rooted in the past that she does not remember. At this point Bridget has not come into contact with any powers besides her own and is unaware of her resistance to certain powers.) [/center]