[color=lime]Roleplay Status:[/color] [color=lightblue]Open[/color] [right][color=lime]Day 369 Year 2382: 347 Years After The Fall[/color][/right] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v8a1rG4.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7k2i5cg.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=NavajoWhite]The Immortals of Dust[/color][/center][/h1][center][color=DeepSkyBlue]Original Concept Created by Aeon[/color][/center][center][color=ed145b]Adapted and GM'd by Darcs & Mono[/color] [color=silver][i]Demi-GM'd by Lightning Fast[/i][/color] [hider=The Cast] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2850931]Vladimira Kovalik - Monochromatic Rainbow[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2887366]Roberta Lee S. Jackson - Monochromatic Rainbow[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2889500]Cyrus Maryson - Lightning Fast[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2903762]Archibald Maryson - Lightning Fast[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2917550]Alexandria Svet-Yulia - Aeonumbra[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2851985]James Knight - TheMadAsshatter[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2868340]Roland Chambers - Arcanaut[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2851976]Lucania Castalia - Darcs[/url] [i][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2395758]The Windcaller - Callthecops (Darcs)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2424951]Purple Dancer - kapuchu (Darcs)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2424157]Lucy Rivera-Castalia - NPC (Darcs)[/url][/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2929394]Pope Honorius V - Raptorman[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2855580]Dùghall Begbie - Say Anything[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2855648]Krieg - RedDusk[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2901237]Dustin Supertramp - Blubaron45[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2869707]Julius Ragnar/Ragnarson - Jinxer[/url] [/hider] [hider=The Story So Far] [u][color=white][h1]Prologue[/h1][/color][/u] After an experiment gone awry nearly destroyed Russel City in the largest hollow horde of the century, and several coalitions of thieves and criminals hiding in Russel's underground sprung on Motum Diversum-- and in the span of a day, the most populous, most powerful nation on Dust was reduced to a narrow stronghold of loyalists in Parkland. The Fall of Motum Diversum, the second fall weathered by those who call Dust home. In the wake of the Fall of Motum Diversum, nations have risen and fallen across the island. Holding most of Motum Diversum's former territories with an iron fist, is a faction called the Wintergold Conglomerate. Lacking in the material wealth, Wintergold has become wealthy as its founders did, by earning through any illicit means necessary-- be that through sale of narcotics, prostitution, or exploiting the financial gold standard they're beginning to establish. On the other end, the Hedonists, or Hedons, also criminals-- took Serenity, and by inheriting the main source of power on Dust, seem fine hyper-inflating the sale of said energy and creating a paradise from the sands-- for those who can afford it. The world sees more instability in nations like Aqueous and the Gaens, and the Forsaken seem to be pushing west, despite the boundaries set by other factions. Figures in white robes can be seen on the coasts, and hollow roam the sands outside of cities with wild abandon. Gold currency replaces bullets and wars between nations destroy families and create broken men and women seeking lives of banditry. The advent of boats capable of traveling across short distances of water enables explorers to traverse untamed islands only seen from a distance now-- and despite Wintergold having an openly Immortal ruler, anti-Immortal sentiment is at it's highest in years... [center][color=gold][h1]Day One[/h1][/color][/center] ...and yet, more immortals than ever seem to be appearing. Last year was eventful, but with tensions brewing, this year is poised to be even more so.... It is the one year anniversary for many things-- the first rain in Dust, the Fall of Motum Diversum, the beginning of a mass exodus of Immortals to the west, the splitting of the Castalia clan, and the rise of the Hedons and Wintergold. The morning begins with an interaction between Prime Minister Lucania Castalia and a Moscow Echo/Wintergold operative, Vladimira Kovalik. We learn that, although they have built an economic stronghold in Wintergold, the Forsaken have made the production of raw supplies in many territories harsh. Vladimira is overseeing development of Wintergold territory in Ash and requests some raw supplies, she is then attacked and we learn that the Hedons may be sending assassins after her. Meanwhile, Lucania leaves the only radio station near Dead-End and gets in a limo, with an entourage of mostly immortals, en route to the small town in order to escape an oncoming swarm of unknown hollow. She has a brief conversation concerning her ambitions with Wintergold with her secretary and new lover, Nui. Before the group nearly hits a man who had been wandering the sands named Roland. In exchange for nearly killing the man, Lucania offers him a ride into town. Back on Ash, we learn that for the better part of the past year, Archie Maryson, 'The Bladed Devil' and former companion of Cyrus, is operating independently as a Bounty Hunter in Wintergold territory. He recently killed a mark known as 'Long John McClive' and collected a handsome reward-- in currency only usable in Wintergold faction areas-- and goes tot he tavern to tell tales of his bravado. There, he meets cyborg Roberta E. Lee, an Immortal bounty hunter with impressive abilities, and less luck. The two agree that working together, they stand a chance against a gigantic hollow worm that has been terrorizing the area, and after a day of planning, the two retire to Archie's bed. In a totally platonic way, though. Hours earlier, a caravan guard known as Kreig reflects on his decision to work for the man named Joe, and how his employer's miserliness has lost him most of the mercenaries from Tas he picked up to assist in getting him to Fairbury. Just as Kreig finishes a thought, he and Joe are attacked by the remaining mutinous mercenaries. Kreig remains faithful to Joe, and uses his enhanced precision to fight the two out of the situation. When Joe's daughter is taken hostage by the mutineers, however, Joe decides to take no chances and fires on her and the men. When the men are dispatched, Joe tends to his dying daughter as Kreig waits in the car. As the two are driving through the Fairbury ruins, Kreig learns that his employer Joe has someone managed to get his hands on a one of a kind Wolfwater watch-- a priceless piece of jewelry-- and he is willing to loose anything to get it sold for the people relying on him. Simultaneously to this, a dashing independent radio host known as Amarillo, operating out of Wintergold territory reports on the death of 'Long John' and gets high. In response to this, a poor outlaw known as Daniella, with an as of yet unknown connection to Long John seeks out the Bladed Devil for revenge. A little earlier, Alexandria Svet-Yulia rallies her growing army of Immortals called the Sedito, on the silent plateau city of Isolone to strike a counter attack against the Forsaken, who have been trying to pierce the veil of darkness surrounding the lands occupied by the Sedito for months. [/hider][/center] [color=gold]News:[list] [*] Added Documented Maladies [*] Updated creatures [*] Fixed the typos in the summary Eris Christ why did no one tell me there were so many like holy shit [/list][/color] [h2][color=lightblue][center]Roleplay Resources[/center][/color][/h2] [hider=Map of Dust] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UKe3Exf.jpg[/img] [color=lime]Map Legend:[/color] [hider=Factions;]Pink - Hedon Red - Motum Diversum Gold - Wintergold Blue - Aqueous Light Blue - Aqueous Protectorate Green - Gaen Grey - Sanguine Papacy Black - Forsaken White - Edenite Purple - Independent[/hider] [list][*]Circles are Towns, Villages, and Cities. For detailed information reference "Towns and Cities". [*]Stars are large Cities, or the acting capital for a faction. [*]Gray Lines are pre-existing roads, paved dirt paths, or otherwise frequently traveled tracks. [*]Dotted Purple Lines are pre-existing tram tunnels. Orange lightening indicates a functioning system of lights. [*]Gold X's are collapsed tunnels. Red X's are tunnels too dangerous to explore any further. [*]Black *'s indicate continuous armed struggle. Yellow X's indicate Old World ruins, camps, or random events. [*][color=lightgreen]Green[/color] Zones are agricultural areas created and owned by The Gaens. [/list] [list]The Marker at the bottom indicates travel time by measurement of days by foot based on 24 hours, and 60 minute hours by vehicles averaging 45 mph. [*]The standard for foot travel is an estimated average of 3 mph. [*]The standard for vehicular travel is an estimated average of 45 mph. [/list][hider=The Math] The average person can walk 3 mph, this is adjusted to 2 mph due to the terrain. this math is based on a full day, 24 hours. 2 x 24 = 48. A vehicle moving at 45 mph would cross the same distance in about an hour. 48 / 45 = 0.93. 93% of 60 minutes is about 55 minutes. A person can jog about 8 mph, adjusted to 6 mph due to terrain. A runner can run about 10 mph, adjusted to 8. a "fast" runner can go about 15 mph. Scale by Math Walking 2 mph: 1 = 24 hours, 2 = 48 hours. Jogging 6 mph: 1 = 8 hours, 2 = 16 hours. Driving 45 mph: 1 = 1 hour, 2 = 2 hours. Hauling Ass 80 mph: 1 = 30 minutes, 2 = 1 hour. [/hider][/hider] [hider=The Key Points Resource] [color=gold]Immortal Key Points:[/color] [list] [*]Immortals must have an eye mutation, other mutations are optional. [*]An Immortal must join with a spark to gain the phenomena. [*]Immortals are resistant to other Immortal's phenomena. [*]An Immortal's joining must derive from an extreme situation, or a GM approved special circumstance. [*]An Immortal may not have any phenomena without a spark. [/list] [color=gold]The Spark Key Points:[/color][list] [*]The Spark will die, if separated from its host after joining. [*]The Spark's joining must derive from an extreme situation, or a GM approved special circumstance. [*]The Sparks have their own personality, and names, and share mental occupancy of the Immortal's body. [*]The Spark may choose to mentally converse with the Immortal, or not. [*]The Spark may be associated with specific emotion(s), and may influence the Immortal's based on this. [*]Some Sparks may know each other's names, titles, emotional associations, and/or personality. Nothing else. [*]Sparks may observe things through the Immortal's eyes that the Immortal may not remember or notice. [/list] [color=gold]The Awakened Key Points:[/color][list] [*]An Immortal may not communicate with their spark until at least partially awakened. [*]A spark may influence an Immortal's emotions, retain memories, and look their eyes without being awakened. [*]An Immortal may not become awakened without my approval. [*]The Immortal may swap consciousness with their Spark only during the awakened state. [*]A partially awakened Immortal may not revert back to their normal state, until fully awakened first. [*]An Immortal needs to meet a certain criteria of conditions to become awakened. [*]An awakened Immortal will always be more powerful than an unawakened, or partially awakened. [*]An awakened Immortal may have increased abilities, and/or new abilities. [*]An awakened Immortal will always be covered in a black chitin, or carapace like armor. [*]The Immortal's body resides within this armor. [*]If the awakened armor is broken, the awakened state is dispelled. [*]Awakened states may range from beastial to humanoid, sentient to feral, controlled to uncontrollable. [*]Awakened armor is impervious to all but the highest caliber firearms. [*]The awakened state is not instant, and times may vary. [/list] [color=gold]Power Usage Key Points:[/color][list] [indent]The percentages are intended to show importance as a factor with power use. These are also rough estimates and explained only enough to give you an idea of the scope of what to consider when your character uses their powers. These are not exact numbers, nor are they definitive rules, and ultimately only exist to help give an idea on how power use affects the Immortal. It's up to you as the player to interpret what is said here, and apply it.[/indent] [*]Life Experience [15%]: Does this play an important part in use of the power? Ultimately, science says your heart is a muscle and there are ways to keep it strong and healthy. In a scenario where an old man lead a long, healthy life (or as much as one can be on Dust) versus a young homeless drug abusing alcoholic the old man is quite likely to win, just based on the strength of their hearts. [h1][/h1] [*]Casual Use Overtime [30%]: This is a much more important factor. Think of this like snakes and venom; Adult snakes know how to control it whereas baby snakes will just dump it out with reckless abandon. Think of this also like using a machine for the first time, your inexperience is likely to put unwarranted stress on it. Driving a car for the first time puts more than average stress on it as opposed to a comfortable driver. Continual use and exploration of powers breeds a sense of familiarity and control about them. A really good example is Alex: Right now she fires wild arcs and blasts of lightning, half electrocuting and half exploding whatever she attacks. A more experience Alex could focus this arc into less of an explosive burst of energy into a concentrated strike of lightning. Explosive burst, versus a precise, controlled bolt; It's pretty clear which one uses less. [h1][/h1] [*]Exponential Bursts [20%]: Another decently important factor. Pretty much the opposite of casual use and experience this is like leap frogging across the pool of comfortability. Casual use is more like an upwards slope, whereas this is a spike that rises and drops (Graph metaphors.) Emptying your entire payload into an attack and resolving the fight quickly could be effective, but leaves you using your power much less often and bursts an immediate sizable stress on the heart, as opposed to gradual stress like the form listed above. If the only experience you have is firing torpedos of power, a person with more control and familiarity of power use is probably going to last longer. This is really the Strong and slow, or weak and fast argument. [i]"A candle that burns twice a bright, lasts half as long.[/i] This is a much more dangerous form of combat because if you don't resolve the fight quickly, you are left with nothing, and to continue in this manner would do much harm. Firing too big of a blow in a single instant could very likely put stress on the heart, enough to cause trauma or damage even though you only fired a single blast: Tell that to the smoldering ruins of the village you annihilated as you fall into cardiac arrest. [h1][/h1] [*]Range [20%]: This is really just a "straining" modifier. The longer the rocket travels, the more fuel it must use. The bigger the missile, the longer it travels, the more fuel it must use. Pretty straight forward and clear cut. It is theoretically possible to extend one's range of use over time, but not in hugely significant amounts. It's also possible that over time, the distance of use will be less of a burden. I do commend all of you though, you all seem to have good control of this factor and have placed constraints on this, which is all perfectly fine. I don't worry about extending range, as the ranges we have established now are more than adequate in most cases, but it can always be discussed. The more important factor is building that casualness and having distance become less of a burden. [h1][/h1] [*]Multiplicity [15%]: This is less of a factor because it's more modified by all of the factors above, yet still important. The more you carry the more stress is put on you sort of deal, actually kind of an obvious factor. Two missiles, more fuel, and going up the list from there. [/list] [color=gold]Hollow Key Points:[/color] [list] [*][color=red]Hollow Variations:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*][color=ed1c24]Humanoids:[/color] These hollows can range from typical humanoid size, to much larger. Normally they tend to be between 5 and 12 feet in height. These humanoid hollows are not limited to humanoid specific features. [*][color=ed1c24]Behemoths:[/color] These hollows are normally very large, and can range anywhere from a large vehicle to a small building. It is speculated that these hollow have the potential to become much bigger. [*][color=ed1c24]Hordes:[/color] These hollows are typically very small, and act as their name suggests. Typically reported in sizes from large insects, to small animals, and can range in numbers from dozens to thousands. Hollow Classifications do not apply to hordes.[/list][/indent] [list] [*][color=ed1c24]Class 1 Hollows:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*]Can typically be handled by a group of armed civilians, a few guards, or an Immortal. Easy mode. [/list][/indent][list][*][color=ed1c24]Class 2 Hollows:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*]Can typically be handled by a large group of well armed civilians, a guard squadron, or an Immortal. Normal mode. [/list][/indent][list][*][color=ed1c24]Class 3 Hollows:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*]Can typically be handled by multiple squadrons of guards, or 2+ Immortals. Hard mode. [/list][/indent][list][*][color=ed1c24]Class 4 Hollows:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*]Can typically be handled by an army, with vehicles, and artillery, or 4+ Immortals. Nightmare mode. [/list][/indent][list][*][color=ed1c24]Class 5 Hollows:[/color][/list][indent][list] [*]Your inability will serve as your grave, a legion of men would nary protect your lack of strength. The mountains will tremble and the oceans will boil. You are not ready. [/list][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Roleplay Rules] [list] [*]Respect your GM: I will do my best to respect you, your feelings, and your opinions as long as you respect the fact that this is MY world. Please do not argue with me or anyone I choose to make a moderator, and if you absolutely must, please do it over PMs. I accept critique and input as long as it is done with relative courtesy. I do however, reserve the right to change my mind. [*]Immortal's powers are less effective against other Immortals, there should never be an actual fight that is resolved in a single blow. However Standards, nickname for regular people, are very susceptible to these powers externally. No power may be used against another organic being or creature internally. Any damage must come from the exterior. [*]When one Immortal uses their power directly against another Immortal, or something they are in contact with, it becomes a contest of will. For example, a metal manipulator may not rip away metal items from an Immortal's hands. Another example, a lightning user may not instantly electrify an object another Immortal is holding. This prevents Power-play. [*]Before starting world wide events, large plot movers, or other such events please PM me to ensure it does not conflict with unrevealed lore or current plants. I also reserve the right to take anything your character does and twist it into afore mentioned items to incorporate their actions into story progression. [*]I incorporate as much depth and consistency as I reasonably can within a fantasy world full of mutants, lasers, and the like, and I expect you to at least attempt the same. Or, be open to making edits or changes. Characters magically stumbling upon what they need are one of these situations, please try to make it believable, Otherwise I may ask you to change it. [*]When applying, your character shall be posted in the OOC. For discussion and approval. [*]I am prone to using gore, violence, killing children, trauma, and taboo subjects. I even describe breasts, albeit vaguely. This roleplay is for those who are mature enough to handle such things. Players [b]Must[/b] be 18+. [*]This roleplay does not use the Turn-by-Turn system. Here, we go Day-By-Day. Users are allowed to post as much as they like, or as much as needed. At the end of the posting cycle, once everyone has concluded for the day, the post must be marked with -End Day- to make us aware that you are ready to begin the next day. The next day does not begin until I say so. I still expect posts at least once every two weeks. Extensions are permissible, I would like proof of progress but everything has a circumstance. "Life" is not always an excuse, I have a busy life too. [*]This roleplay and all of its participants also adhere to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc#post-3607]The Fundamental Rules of The Guild[/url] and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77197-moderation-policy-in-the-rp-sections/ooc#post-2433645]Moderation Policy in the RP Sections[/url]. [*]Lastly, all and any disputes between two players that cannot be resolved should be brought to my attention for resolution concerning anything in regards to the Roleplay, It's Characters, or It's Progression. [/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=Character Sheet] [img][/img] [list] [*][color=gold]Eye Mutation is Mandatory[/color] [/list] [pre] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appeared Age:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] [*] [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] [b]Relatives:[/b] ( [hider=Backstory] [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*] [b](Name)[/b]: [*][b](Name)[/b]:[/list] [b]Armor:[/b] [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] [*][b]Heavy Ammunition:[/b] [/list] [b]Backpack A:[/b][list] [*]Items Within[/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [/pre] [/hider] [hider=Creature Creation Template] [list] [*][color=gold] Use "Hollow" as a prefix to species classification. (IE: Hollow Arachnid)[/color] [/list] [pre] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Rarity:[/b] [b]Behavior:[/b] [b]Location(s):[/b] [b]Key Points:[/b][list] [*] [*] [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] [/pre] [/hider] [hider=Cities and Towns Format] [hider=Ideas for Production] [url=https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/alphalist.php]Ideas for Industry[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branches_of_science]Ideas for Sciences[/url] [/hider][hider=Classification by population] Village: 50-80 people Small town: 100-500 Town: 600-9,000 City: 10,000 - 90,000 Large City: 100,000 - 1,000,000 Metropolis: 1,000,000+ (as in, there are more than a million citizens) [/hider][hider=Faction colors] Neutral - mediumorchid Motum Diversum - red Aqueous - steelblue Gaen - lightgreen Edenites - oldlace Forsaken - black Seditio - undecided [/hider] [center]Format[/center] [pre][hider=cityname] [h2][center][[color=(faction color)]cityname[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]Faction[/color]: [color=lime]Classification[/color]: [/hider] [color=lime]Population [/color]: ### Est. [color=lime]Production[/color]: [color=lime]Notable Areas[/color]: Key landmarks, impressive old world restorations, monuments, etc. [color=lime-]Description[/color]: Talk about the general idea of the city; production, key landmarks, etc. Talk about the area outside the city / town. Talk about the area inside the city / town. Talk about the people. Talk about the problems and dangers.[/pre][/hider] [hider=Frequently Asked Questions] [b][color=lime]So, are we playing Immortals or what?[/color][/b] Yes, that is the idea. You can however have alternate characters that are not Immortals. [b][color=lime]Are the Immortals actually Immortal?[/color][/b] No. The 'Appeared Age' section in the Character Sheet is purely aesthetic, when I shave my face I look like a twenty-two year old baby. [b][color=lime]What is "Tuning"?[/color][/b] "Tuning" means that a character must come into contact with whatever is associated with their phenomena to be able to manipulate it. Some characters, and powers, do not require this limitation. [b][color=lime]Are Immortals protected underneath faction law?[/color][/b] Technically no, most would argue that the laws are for humans, and the Immortals are demons. But It can happen if you wish it. [b][color=lime]Where do I start?[/color][/b] Wherever you want. As whatever you want. Doing whatever you wish. [b][color=lime]Do an Immortal's powers pass down to their kids?[/color][/b] No. The Immortal is the way there are because of contracting a mutagenic virus. An Immortal's children have the same chances of everybody becoming an Immortal, The Hollow, or never getting it at all. [b][color=lime]Can my character speak another language in the native alphabet?[/color][/b] Yes. Using such things as Kanji or Cyrillic are fine. No Translation, or Pronunciation is required, but if you feel the need to do so please use a hider at the bottom of the post. [b][color=lime]So like, is there a moon or what?[/color][/b] Nope. Moon is gone. Though the night's a pretty dark, it's more like the new cycle of a moon. There's illumination, stars, etc. So dark, but not a wall of pitch black darkness. Characters can still see somewhat alright without additional lights, all that's missing is the heavy glow from the moon. [b][color=lime]Can drugs increase power usage? Can they prevent heart failure?[/color][/b] This question is so relevant, at least half of my character use drugs haha. There are no drugs that can prevent the failure of an Immortal's heart from power use, only mask the effects until they eventually kick the bucket, theoretically increasing stamina but not removing the danger. [/hider] [hr] [hider=How Did This Get Made?] Special thanks goes out to; [indent][i]THE PLAYERS FIRSTLY- The original two Dust RPs - Aeon, Mono, & Myself (I assume someone wants to thank me??? This special thanks section isn't just for me btw)- Fallout (esp. 2), Nightvale, Evangelion, and absurdist or post-apocalyptic fiction in general- Honestly so many works of fiction- Based Eris- And of course, the music we all listen to! Or rather, the music I seem to force you all to listen to-[/i][/indent] [/hider] [color=gold]If you've got questions we've probably got answers! Myself, Mono, or Lightning can be asked to clarify anything you might be confused by either here or by PM![/color] [right]~[@Aeonumbra][/right]