[u][b]Luke Schwarz -- Nah[/b][/u] [b]"It's no issue."[/b] he reassured his teammate, evidently not too concerned with Cian being unable to help identify the contents of the surrounding area and coolly waving away her apologies. [b]"And not quite yet,"[/b] he continued, responding to her own query. [b]"Figured I'd just browse and maybe collect some ideas. Things didn't go [i]that[/i] bad on Friday, so..."[/b] he trailed off, offering a nonchalant shrug to punctuate the thought. Besides, he'd just gotten the bike. He didn't want to spend everything he'd earned in one place, on one day, after all. [i]Frugality is a virtue every student must master![/i] [b]"I think I'll be fine, for now."[/b]