[color=0072bc][h2]Liam Hanway[/h2] [h3]Comet Dorm[/h3][/color] Liam couldn't believe his luck, or possibly lack of. He was either about to get his own dorm for a while or have to learn to live with someone new. Max and his match, Rebecca, had decided it was time to move in together. Or really- from how Max explained it- she had finally convinced -or forced- him to move in with her. He couldn't blame his roommate, she seemed like a sweet girl and he wasn't likely to get out of it so he may try to make the most of everything. "Doesn't mean I won't miss having you here. I'd gotten used to it." He raises his eyebrows at the box and glances in before his eyes widen. "Are you sure?" he asks, not believing that Max was willing to leave it with him and not take it with. Perhaps Liam was just more interested then Max had been. It was probably easy to read on his face. "Thanks, Max. I'll see you around, good luck with living with Rebecca." He watches him leave before falling on to his bed. He was a bit uninterested in being social, but he had just lost one of his best friends and he probably needed to find at least one person to hang out with occasionally in real life. He grabs his phone to check all of his social networking things, including the site he usually rps on before heading out the door. He's just got to meet someone in his dorm, there must be a nice guy to be friends with. He wouldn't even try hitting on him... at first. He feels a little awkward flirting with people that he isn't sure are actually in to other guys. Everyone seems to be sliding in to their rooms quickly though, so he just kind of wanders the halls for now. [hr] [color=0072bc][h2]Dean Eaton[/h2] [h3]Comet Dorm[/h3] [/color] Dean packed his bags up to his room, dropping them on one of the beds and realizing his roommate hadn't made it yet. They had been rooming together for a while, but he wasn't sure if he would be losing his roommate due to matching soon. Not on his part -Kali and him had already figured their deal out- but who knew when Jack would move in with his match. He unpacked most of his stuff and was considering what there was to do before pulling out his phone. [b]Hey, Kali. I just got in and my roommates not around. What are you up to? Want to go grab some food?[/b] They've worked out a great agreement in Dean's opinion, he didn't want to be tied down and he really liked Kali as a best friend. She was a great girl and sometimes he felt a little bad that she was matched with him, she could have had a much better guy to settle down with. But he reminds himself that these things don't have to be permanent when he starts to think like that. She must be okay with the situation too. It works out amazing for parties or anything that he needs a date for, sometimes including family functions.