[center][color=#003d99][h1][b][i]~Yen Sid - The Sorcerer~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/d0c928db13892001ac9c0b4483c8eaac/tumblr_mq1r6d14o31qd1j78o1_500.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZt8CkvUgRw[/youtube][/center] [center] [color=#003d99] [b]Name:[/b] Yen Sid [b]Other Names:[/b] The Sorcerer [b]Real Name:[/b] Yen Sid Wyllt [b]Age:[/b] Ageless [b]Occupation:[/b] Sorcerer of Light [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Ageless):[/b] [img]https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/seventh_son.jpg?w=670&h=377&crop=1[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Ageless):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ce/b6/1d/ceb61d94fbf5ac83994bde39a0fce25f.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] More known as a legend than an actual being, very little is known of Yen Sid himself that has not been passed through by stories and exaggeration. However to the few who have had the honor of not only meeting The Sorcerer, but getting to know him, can agree on a few very simplistic traits belonging to the man. First and foremost, Yen Sid is strict. When teaching those he believes in, he holds very little time for nonesense and fun, instead taking on a more scholarly outlook to almost everything he does. Yen Sid is able to back up his methods of teaching, however, as there is no one in any of the universes that are more wise and insightful than he. His stern hand heeds miraculous results, producing some of the best sorcerers, witches and heroes of all time, spanned across generations. He is incredibly powerful when it comes to magic. So much, in fact, that it can be sensed by someone who holds absolutely no magical capability when he is nearby. Most people who have ever encountered The Sorcerer are often left intimidated by his mere presence, however underneath his stoic, fierce exterior lies a heart of gold. Yen Sid is very protective of those he takes under his wing. He is caring, sweet and compassionate and has even known to be gentle when the student needs it the most; usually when his hardened, "tough love" methods give no results. Underneath his harsh, determined exterior is simply a man who strongly believes in his apprentices, no matter what mischief they may get into, possibly making him the most patient man who has ever lived. [b]Skills:[/b] Yen Sid's access to magic is unlimited, however his own consciousness in how he uses it seems to be his one drawback. As the magical worlds are limited to not being able to bring back the dead, not being able to make people fall in love, and not being able to change the past (time travel), Yen Sid himself is not bound by these laws. Though he is able to do these things, The Sorcerer steers as clear from applying them as he can, unable to bring himself into doing something he considers wrong. There have been cases in which his magic has been able to save many lives and make situations right again, however his moral code has kept him from being able to do so. Aside from his magical capabilities, Yen Sid is an excellent survivalist, duelist, swordsman, strategist and problem solver. He can spend hours upon end teaching someone the ins and outs of a game like chess though as of date, he has yet to be beaten. His sheer amount of patience, as well, keeps the man high above the rest, as he has been known to wait centuries before making his next move. His methods of training apprentices seems to be a skill in itself, as well. Many seek The Sorcerer out though it is Yen Sid who comes to them, deciding on who he teaches and when. He spends a lot of time gazing into pools of water or crystal balls, simply watching events as they happen as well as memories to learn from them. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] In the beginning, there was light, but light knew it could not last forever lest it burn out quickly from being used constantly, as there was nothing to balance it. So darkness was created by evolution to help the light, creating a perfect harmony that then gave life to "day" and "night." As the universe continued to develop, in all instances, timelines and rifts, man was made, and light and darkness began to effect different people in different ways. It was in the very early beginnings of man that darkness was given a name - Churnabog. It was believed that darkness was an entity all of its own, explainable - almost extra terrestrial. People were driven to do bad things without explanation, sin began to become more and more common. The name Churnabog was then split into many different names, but the entire premise of what it was, was vastly understood by any and all people. Darkness was bad, light was good, one could not survive without the other, but as time went on, the scales began to tip in darkness' favor, casting words into prolonged periods of ruin and destruction. It was during one of these ages that Yen Sid was born. He seemed to be an answer from the Gods themselves, as the boy, from a very early age, proved that he and he alone was capable of fighting this darkness. Yen Sid began to cleanse the darkness shortly after his birth. Gifted with magical properties, the infant would place his hands on anything he deemed "bad" and made it good again. It started out as small things such as repairing a broken glass or healing cuts and scrapes. But as Yen Sid got older and became more aware of the gift he had been born with, he instead focused his magic on the much darker things in life. War, famine, and even natural disasters. Not one to indulge in much of a childhood, Yen Sid instead spent most of his time praying in temples or learning and researching in the archives. But by the time he was ten, Yen Sid had learned everything his small village could teach him, and underwent a pilgrimage to travel all throughout the world of Rivenspire so that he could learn all it had to offer and vanquish darkness for good. By the time Yen Sid was in his early twenties, Yen Sid was able to procure a device that was able to entrap the dark entity of Chernabog, helping to lift the evil from the world to a more balanced state. Sealing the urn in which he had trapped him in, Yen Sid spent the next two years of his life deciding on what to do with the evil and decided on hiding it away in the bowels of the earth where it would never see the light of day again. There was much to celebrate after Chernabog's imprisonment, and Yen Sid indulged for a small while before his attention was called back to learning. The Gods, pleased with Yen Sid, then gifted the young man immortality. Settling in a new town, Yen Sid met and became comfortable with a woman of his age and ultimately ended up marrying her. The two of them were not able to produce any children of their own, but Yen Sid instead took to the children of their village, helping them to understand the things he now knew, and acted as a sort of teacher to many of them. With age, his wife finally succumbed to death. Yen Sid mourned for a while, but eventually his work brought him back to traveling the world and teaching others. This went on for a great number of years before one day, the aged wizard had a powerful vision of a new dark-age that threatened all of Rivenspire. Knowing what he must do, as it was lain out for him, Yen Sid began his work to prepare for the years-long war he saw in his visions. He met another woman and married her, managing to sire two children of which he knew were destined to aid him in the on-coming threat. Merlin, he was able to teach much to, and eventually had a son of his own. However from the moment of conception, Yen Sid knew of the child's potential to help bring the world into ruin. It was with this vision that Yen Sid kept the pregnancy hidden from his son, and after Mordred was born, stole the babe away and sent him to a land without magic where he would not be a threat. Elphaba was a great deal younger than Merlin, and therefore wasn't able to pass on much of his wisdom to her before it was time to start protecting Rivenspire. The children of royals and other children of who were to play an important part in the downfall of the new evil were hand-selected by The Sorcerer and sent to Earth (by the same means he sent his grandson) where The Dark Queen, Maleficent, would not be able to corrupt their minds. Trusting no one other than his own blood, Yen Sid then entrusted the job of head guardian to Elphaba, sending her to Earth with the children and a few other guardians to help aid the children as they grew into adults, knowing that one day, they would all return and vanquish the evil that had only just begun. Yen Sid now spends the majority of his time with his son, helping to shape the boy into a younger version of himself knowing that if Mordred ever returned with the other children, his immortal life might be put to an end. He checks in with Elphaba from time to time as the years pass, and even spends a great deal of time gazing into magical pools that allow him to see the children as they progress. Now, however, is the time for the children to come back home. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] It was Yen Sid who created the four amulets that allowed the guardians to take the children to Earth, and though he himself can travel there, decides not to in fear that Maleficent might become aware as to what is going on. He simply will not take that chance. However, from time to time, he converses with the head guardian, Elphaba, when information needs to be passed. [b]Other:[/b] Though he is able to shapeshift into a great deal of many animals, Yen Sid has found a favored one in the form of a [url=http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/animals/Birds/A-G/GreatHornedOwl1.jpg]great horned owl[/url]. Often times, when accompanying his son and not wishing to be seen, he will act as a sort of pet to the young man, going by the pseudo-name Archimedes. [/color] [img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/ezgif.com-crop_zpscb7kfjwi.gif[/img][/center]