[center][color=#cc6600][h1][b][i]~Shaba Grimhilde - Copper~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/331d8ab9aaaa3bb9ed07cfd3b379d0bc/tumblr_inline_nsu75vA1Wf1rp7f32_500.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpcEN2Lj0UU[/youtube][/center] [center] [color=#cc6600] [b]Name:[/b] Copper [b]Other Names:[/b] Pup [b]Real Name:[/b] Shaba Grimhilde [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Occupation:[/b] Huntsman [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 15):[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1q4rttx561qh17f6o2_250.png[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 28):[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/03b131db83084a196b09474f7cbee969/tumblr_mmhxtbPszd1rsvpmso1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] As a child, Shaba was a very curious boy that was prone to wandering off, however, born with a great sense of direction, he was always able to get himself back home with little fuss. Though a bit of an explorer, he is rarely carefree and instead is slightly cautious, especially when knowing when what he is doing will get him into trouble. Now, Shaba is much more serious, having been trained in the army starting at the age of seven. He is disciplined, respects those with power and authority and competent when it comes to self defense, offensive battle, tracking, stealth and other, various skills that come with his job. In fact, when in the presence of someone with power, Shaba seems to have no personality of his own at all, but instead the perfect, mindful little soldier. On his own, however, Shaba is still a quiet sort with a big heart that has presently led him into trouble. He's conflicted when dwelling on what is right and what he has been told to do, and remorseful when it comes to things in his past whether or not he had control of the situation or not. He has a clever mind that, when in trouble, can usually get him out of it and his bravery knows no bounds. Even if confronted by a bear, Shaba will fight until his last dying breath if it is his duty, or if it saves the life of another. Shaba has extremely mixed feelings about his parents - He knows of the misdeeds his father has put upon their family, but feels that he can't trust anyone else with the things he has done. His mother, who loves and adores and spoils him with every breath she has, he has a hard time excusing simply for the fact that she does most of what she does out of hate and jealousy. But he also knows that they are his family, and has to love them, no matter what. [b]Skills:[/b] Shaba was born into a lifestyle that landed him in the King's army at a very young age. Through his younger years, Shaba was taught dicipline, respect, physical and mental stamina, and how to wield various different weapons. As he grew in the army and also as a man, Shaba discovered he had a gift for "hunting" as he favored a more stealthy approach when faced with enemies or opponents. This skill granted him a position in the King's arena as a Venatio - a participant who hunted and killed wild animals and even criminals under the watchful eye of Pride Landian crowds. As he progressed in the arena, he was then given another job back in the army as a scout. He spent quite a bit of time apprenticing under those who were more experienced than him, but adapted to the skill set quite easily and slowly improved his rank until he was the head scouter. Shaba's Pride Landian blood and army training also gives him incredible strength, outmatched by every other kingdom in Rivenspire save for his fellow Pride Landians. He is quick and has built up a remarkable amount of stamina, able to run for miles without fatigue and remain awake for up to three days before needing sleep. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Copper was born to a seventeen-year-old Pride Landian noble, however his father's lineage saw to it that he was born into poverty. It was a love affair that wouldn't ever be allowed in The Pride Lands - a noble and a hyena. Copper's mother was cast out the moment his grandparents learned of her pregnancy, and it wasn't until Copper was two years old did his grandmother give him the time of day. Thankfully, his grandmother took to Copper very quickly, however his grandfather was still not convinced. It was another year of living on the streets with his mother and father before his grandfather finally caved in and allowed the small family into his noble house. But because of his father's "dirty blood," Copper grew up understanding that his father was a servant, as he was required to be as such to be under his grandparent's roof, and wasn't ever allowed to speak of him to anyone. By the time Copper was seven, his noble lineage granted him a training spot in King Ahadi's army, which his mother saw to the very second that he was eligible. He was small, much smaller than the other boys his age, but Copper had heart. It took him a while to get familiar with a blade, but he was the best damn little soldier in his age group as far as following orders went. Having been raised mostly noble with no "true" father figure, Copper practically craved being told what to do, and how to please. It didn't matter the task, Copper would see it done with the blink of an eye. As the years passed and Copper was able to find his niche in life as a scout, his skills only improved in the areas of stealth, agility and stamina. Though he wasn't a full-fledged scout until a few years later, he was able to apprentice some of the best in King Ahadi's army. However, things changed quickly and rather suddenly when Copper's mother left without a word. At thirteen years old, Copper returned home to hear from his grandparents that his mother had gone, and would most likely not be returning. When he asked why (she seemed more than normal when she came to see him earlier that day), his grandparents didn't even try to sugar coat it, telling Copper blatantly that his mother had caught his father with another woman - told him that she was ashamed, because they had been right about his father all along, and left. Upon asking where his father had gone, they only replied simply, "Gone." Copper wasn't sure whether this meant that his grandparents had his father killed, or if he had gone after his mother, but either way, he was left with no parents - left to the care of King Ahadi's army and his grandparents. His mother did eventually return for him, however, a few years later when Copper was practically a man and now the King's Venatio. Mufasa had taken King Ahadi's place, and there were a few changes to The Pride Lands that Copper was eager to share with his mother, but it seemed that she had some unexpected changes of her own. Not only had she remarried, but her new husband had a daughter, close to Copper's age. She convinced Copper to return with her for a short time, just to meet his new family. Just like his mother expected, Copper and Snow got along wonderfully. His mother then saw to it that every summer, Copper would come to live with them in her castle, and spend the rest of his time in The Pride Lands where his future was more than promising. Then Scar took over, and suddenly Snow had gone missing. The world seemed to be in a much darker place, and Copper knew there had to be more than just Maleficent taking the entire world over as her own. It was during one of his (emptier) visits that Copper stumbled upon his mother's enchanted mirror. What reflected back at him was not his own face, but a ghosts. At first, Copper couldn't believe his eyes - his father? Why would his mother have a mirror with his father's spirit in it? But the more time Copper spent with the magical mirror, the more Copper understood what had happened. His mother had gone back to win his father's heart over, but when it still didn't take, she ripped his heart out, preserved it for a couple of years, learned magic under the late sorceress, Maleficent, and bound him to a magical mirror where he was forced to bid to her will. Copper wasn't at all sure how he felt about the new onslaught of information. It was a lot to take in all at once. He continued to return to The Pride Lands (though he loathed to serve Scar) until eventually, a rather grim mistake of the heart forced Copper to flee from Scar's reign and returned to his mother where he was determined to stay. Of course, his mother didn't have any problems in taking her son back full time (though she never did learn the true reason of his return), and used his skills of a Venatio to turn him into her personal Huntsman. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Copper has never been to Earth and doesn't even know of it's existence. [b]Other:[/b] The only one that knows the true reason to Copper's return to his mother is the enchanted mirror version of his father. He spends quite a lot of time talking to him, as he feels that his father is the only person he can truly trust anymore. [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/ezgif-3211938067.gif[/img][/center]