The wagon moved on and it seemed their travels would move much faster now, sighing slightly Sana remained silent after telling Ellyn that she liked the new look. Resting there against Hugh, she just kept herself in thought, occasionally curling closer to him as the wagon kept moving. When they approached the city she leaned forward to take a look and rose a brow as she unslung her bow from her back and drew a regular arrow from its quiver. Hopping out of the back of the wagon as they entered town and looking around. “This is not good,” she muttered under her breath as she followed Vivian into the Tavern. Seeing Ellis gave her some slight relief. “It is good to see you alive little one,” she said as she placed her arrow back in its quiver and reslung her bow across her back. Seeing Ceris caused her to raise a brow but she kept quiet and listened. She still felt that no matter what the woman owed the group a rather large apology for her actions and trying to sacrifice them but Ellis seemed unharmed and she gave her word, so she would hold to it whether it came or not. Following Ellis and Vivian down she stopped as she saw the Drow and it did not sit right with her. She understood that sometimes extreme measures were needed but she felt it was lowering themselves to what evils would do. She just hoped their end result would be better than what the evil lay out there had planned. Still, she would have no part in torture, no matter the cause. Turning she sought Hugh out and stepped over to him, resting her hand to his chest. “I’ll be in the tavern,” she said as she walked back to the main area and sat down at the bar and rested her elbows on the counter. If they were losing a battle already, what different would a couple of humans, elves, a dwarf, an orc and an Halfling make she wondered to herself but she kept all her thoughts to herself and just looked at the wood grain of the bartop. She knew if she spoke or others spoke to her she wouldn’t be able to bite her tongue long and she felt it was best at this moment in time that if she couldn’t be positive she could at least be silent.