[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - Vomit World The Diner Edition.[/i][/center] He'd watched the man enter and recognized him immediately as one of his better tippers, he recognized most people by how well they tipped him and how nice they proved themselves to be. Every now and then he'd get some asshole with an attitude and they would challenge every polite nerve in his body, those assholes usually left him a few dollars and drove him absolutely batty. He had to make a living and they were making it hard on him. Honestly, he didn't understand it sometimes. Being intentionally rude to waiters was so low-class and yeah, Mary's wasn't known for it's five star quality but it wasn't a complete dump. He'd definitely been to worse and he'd been just as polite as he could to those waiters, it was just common decency. His big table didn't have any of that and he would try to ignore it as he strode to where Justin had made himself comfortable. The man was always a good customer and he didn't feel any need to be weary around him, even with the group of snickering teenagers nearby. He was nearly there when one of the girls--the one who had commented on his presence--lurched forward and vomited in a spray on the boy across from her--that made him cringe. It was gross to watch but somehow it felt like sweet karma and warmth flooded through him, he wondered what higher power might have smiled upon him today. He delicately stepped away from the table and nearly started laughing himself but he qualmed it behind his hand, grinning ear to ear, blue eyes shining with amusement. "[color=6ecff6][i]Marla, darling, there seems to be a mess over here.[/i][/color]" he called to one of the new servers and she looked up in disgust but didn't complain as she shooed the group to a new table and motioned towards the bathroom at the girl and her vomit speckled partner. The table was a mess and Marla was going to have to lay down the absorbent beads and sanitize it, he didn't want anything to do with it and he wasn't going to touch it. He was just glad that their new table was out of his section as he made his way to Justin's table, smiling brightly and much more pleased than before. "[color=6ecff6]Can I take your order, honey? Your name is Justin, right?[/color]" He liked this guy, there was always an air of positivity around him that made him feel good about serving him. He seemed like he just liked being alive and that was such a rare trait to see in another person, he would have liked to get to know him better if he wasn't so bad at holding friends. A lot of his friends had left him after he'd come up blank about their problems and offered a lot of half-hearted "sucks-don't-it" type responses. He wasn't the most comforting man in existence but that didn't mean he was completely heartless, sometimes he felt bad, it just had to strike him right. It was rare when it did strike him right. Maybe he [i]was[/i] kind of heartless. That didn't stop him from being the best damn waiter in town. "[color=6ecff6]We have a special on the cob salads, not sure how you feel about shoving a bunch of salad in your mouth but it's an option.[/color]" he said warmly before raising his eyebrows.