[Center][color=0072bc]-Makoto Shinzo : ???-[/color] Looks like his suspicions about the room being possibly inhabited were confirmed, along with a tinge bit of shock in the aftermath of this little ordeal.the place, he heard the doors abruptly shut behind him, which warranted he to rotate his head around in shock. At the moment, this whole ordeal seemed like a whole trap in wait for him and the others who thankfully followed after him. What would happen next as he stared at the door as if it selfishly betrayed them all, his mouth slightly agape. [color=0072bc][i]"Definitely not good at all! Ok, so this whole endeavor is turning out to be somewhat red. Doors randomly deciding to instantaneously close upon us entering the area?! Way too surreal. This definitely has to be planned for an inevitable and elaborate scheme to... do something to us..."[/i][/color] Makoto was drawn at a blank due to not inherently figuring out the reasoning for the door inexplicably closing at a pace which caused him and possibly the others to become distraught. However, he took notice of a figure standing by the door, one which seemed so ethereal but yet here in body and spirit at the exact same time. Didn't he see that familiar face downstairs in the painting he studied? At any rate, he wasn't at all going to let him be immediately tricked and stayed tensed and ready to fight, until everything was explained. Makoto became rather reasonably befuddled after the old man began speaking in a simple, but he cryptic way to each of them. This day, along with them being chosen ones? To further elaborate, he found his ears perked at the sign of keyblades choosing them... it certainly had a nice ring to it, all while making it clear that boy they saw in the painting downstairs was confined to wielding that weapon for some unexplained destiny... just like them. As he listened to the words, he rotated his head to take a look at his companions behind him. At this point, he didn't forgo the conclusion of them having that similar dream to him, along with them gaining this whimsical power. Then he spoke of the conflict going on between the coin with two heads and no tails to show as it was being consumed by the creatures with sabled skin, and those with a white hue. Both wanted the same thing, alas they saw themselves as different which confused Makoto as he tapped his lip lightly. The boy pondered on why both sides sought conflict with each other as he saw it from time to time in town. [color=0072bc][i]"... One whole world now split into others? Sounds more like the babbling of an insane old coot more than anything... However, those two were talking about places I have never even heard of. Traverse Town and Aquastone... I was so quick to originally accept their ideologies, however I still am filled with doubt... Maybe if I see it I could truly believe it, but to now it is rather impossible to discern if that is really the truth. What if this is all a trap? What if they are all here to hurt me for some unknown reason? They all know about 'worlds' to which I have never even had the knowledge of gaining... The only thing that makes sense so far is the keyblade..."[/i][/color] Despite his dubious delusions he had about the others, he chose to stay for the possibility of learning something knew before departing... whether it be calmly or by force. However, even with these assertions, the wizard began employing logical soundings which made him seem less senile, despite how this felt like some sort of fable. At any rate, this true light and darkness stuff didn't make any sort of sense outside of heartless and nobodies. Thankfully, other information employed caused him to logically think in an almost illogical situation devoid of any type of reasoning. [color=0072bc][i]"Ah yes, this was almost something of a black and white insanity thing until some random jerk decided to artificially create things out of this so called darkness. It kind of makes sense why they randomly appear to try and destroy us, along with multiplying in numbers due to that last skirmish I was interlocked with... ugh, still... this? None of this makes any sense! World hearts, segregating dark and light? Just because one person abused it doesn't mean it's inherently evil... Ugh, this is making my brain ache... I really should just ignore all logistics and hear him out to formulate proper thoughts and opinions..."[/i][/color] At any rate, Makoto just gritted his teeth subtly to express a level of discomfort with this peculiar but new information. Either way, it was onto the identities of others, which shed some light on why their names and history were important. It also introduced a few reasons on who the bigger target was - the wielders of this mystic weapon. The boy and his friends who fell in battle to some unknown demise... and this wizard who claimed to be one of the greater keyblade wielders. Funny enough, he never heard of any of these people or terms before which means he was wading into unfamiliar territory. As the boy finishing the story, he delved into his mind, focusing on aspects of this whole story. The Keyblade, True Light, Darkness, everything... As the boy listened onwards to Reece as he voiced his thoughts, it became apparent that he knew much more than him about these peculiar characters. Problem was, it felt almost peculiar that he was missing the big picture. Makoto shook his head and sighed at the simple questions, feeling those, with the exception of how he saved them, trivial. Finally, he found himself ready to speak, ideas flowing from him as he crossed his arm am stared directly at the master keyblader long passed. His voice seemed snarky, but rather unhumorous while point out inconsistencies he saw. [color=0072bc]"This isn't exactly the time to be wasting our breath on trivial questions, but it is interesting that we can call upon this power to save us. Now, i'm not a firm believer in most of this, but lets say I am. Quiz time, how do we exactly summon these keyblades into reality? I've done it before in a rather weird dream I had a while ago." "Next, our role to play on this so called path. I'm still finding it hard to believe there are other worlds out there, but i'll roll with it just for the sake of time. How do we exactly get to these worlds? I have never seen a way to traverse to these so called worlds, so how and why should I believe they exactly exist if there has been no charted way to get there?" "Finally, what do we do to free these imagined worlds from this monstrosity you call darkness? Do we just beat up a bunch of those heartless and nobodies, making them leave? Or is there something much more complex we must do to for these worlds so that they can achieve liberation? I honestly hope it isn't the latter for obvious reasons..."[/color] With that said, Makoto awaited for an answer from this Yen Sid guy, tapping his foot at a rapid pace.[/center]