Upon waking the next morning, Gwenyfar Ravenspire heard the cry of a woman, yelling as loud as she could for them to, “Wake up! Get ready! Get dressed! Get some food to eat! Then get outside!” It didn't help that whoever the woman was, repeated the chanting followed with stomping that shook the floorboards as she passed by. Gwenyfar could only imagine what she looked like. Groaning softly, her arms and legs ached horribly from the previous days ride and the work from the smithy. Still, she could smell the smell of charcoal and fire upon her skin and in her hair. But it was a smell that she enjoyed more than she despised. Forcing herself from the blankets, Gwen walked across the hewn boards to the water bowl, and dipped her hands into the water, splashing it vigorously on her grime covered face. Looking out the window, she could see the sun just on the horizon, sending its glorious rays of sunshine across the Cross Roads. Moving away from the water bowl, Gwen headed to her rucksack and began to dress herself, undergarments first, then her trousers, blouse, followed by her boots. She saved the best for last, her armor. She slid the leather jerkin over her head until it rested on her shoulders, and fastened the laces on her chest, next came her embossed leather bracers. She placed each leather spauldron upon her shoulder and tightened the laces again until it fit snuggly. Gwenyfar sheathed her sword at her hip into a black leather sheath case, and her dagger into her coal black boots. Finally, she put her green cloak upon her back and then strapped her wooden targe upon her back, the curious design of the Raven flying into the sun visible for all to see. Once fully prepared, Gwen headed downstairs to tavern below, the smell of cooking food filling her nose. She found the Kevil Arms remotely empty save for a few clientele who sat around the bar counter, supping on some early morning breakfast. She took a seat amongst them and ordered a small plate of eggs with toast and an apple, along with a mug full of meade. The barkeep, a man older than her, told her the food was on the house since she had signed up under the Consano as a recruit, yet she still slid him five bronze coins. Taking things for free never settled well with Gwenyfar. It made her feel guilty, as if she hadn't rightful earned it. After her short breakfast, the barkeep informed her that the people she wanted to speak to were already outside readying the horses. With a polite, [i]”Thank you.”[/I] Gwenyfar headed out the door. She spotted the woman who she presumed to be the one who had woken them with her rhythmic chanting. The woman was exceptionally dressed in armor, of what Gwen guessed to be steel; with raven black hair and pallid skin. Gwenyfar also took note of a man next to her, slightly grizzled, but still handsome none the less. The duo were bringing about the horses and tying their reins to the hitching posts outside of the inn. She noticed another, an olive skinned woman, with quite the luck in beauty. Scanning the area, she didn't see Asper outside yet, so she presumed him to still be in the barn. Gwenyfar moved silently past the triage and headed straight for the barn. She entered the dimly lit byre, and clucked her tongue respectfully until Asper poked his head out over the stall and gave a friendly neigh. “[color=82ca9d]Good morning friend.[/color]” She held out her hand to him, and he responded by pressing his muzzle into her hand. Reaching up, she wrapped her hands about his neck and breathed in his earthy scent. “[color=82ca9d]We have quite the adventure ahead of us, let us see what lies ahead.[/color]” With that, Gwen opened up the stall door and began to quickly groom him. She knew she didn't have much time before the others showed up outside as well. Her lithe hands moved over his dark bay coat, removing any dirt and straw that had become stuck to him. She emptied his hooves of dirt with a pick, and threw his saddle blanket onto his back. Gwen then threw his saddle on top, and reached under his belly to cinch the girth before slipping his reins on over his head. With that, Asper and Gwenyfar exited the barn into the morning sunshine. Moving to an unoccupied hitching post, Gwenyfar tied her steeds reins to the post and stood quietly beside him. She caught the words of the dark skinned woman with black tresses, inquiring about if anyone was bringing dried herbs or fruit. Gwen looked to her and said in a straight voice, “[color=82ca9d]If no one has, you can simply forage for it. Lest you're afraid of what lurks in the bushes.[/color]” Here she offered a ghost of a smile to the woman with a wink to follow before turning her gaze back to the other two who she assumed to be the ones in charge of the recruiting.