[i]Brooklyn, New York - Kai's workplace[/i] Kai, with his mother in his arms, appeared behind two large steel dumpsters that sat next to the factory building that he and his mother worked at. Kai happened to glance at his watch. It turned out that it was much earlier than he had expected, because they had made surprisingly good time today- an hour early. Kai hadn't had a real breakfast so he turned to his mom and said, "I think I'm going to grab a bite to eat at Mary's Diner over about a block away." He pointed to a direction in which the diner generally was. "Do ya want something?" She pondered for a quick second and replied. "Nah, I think I'm good. My coffee was good enough for me, but thanks." Kai nodded and turned his body to the street. He walked to this cozy little place that he always ate at when he got the time before work. It wasn't too often, but it was enough to have the staff remember his face. They couldn't match a real name to the face if you held a gun to their head, but at least they recognized him. Well, maybe. It had been a couple of years since he was in there last. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really expect anyone to remember him. Kai's life had been so repetitive and drawn-out, he expected everyone to follow that notion like he did. But he sighed and accepted the fact restaurant turnover rates didn't agree with that lifestyle. He pushed open the white, wooden door and was greeted with fumes of great home-style food. He craved some sloppy fixings of eggs and crispy yet juicy bacon. That's all he wanted right now. And by God, he was going to get it. He thumbed around inside of his leather billfold, looking for the twenty bucks he was sure he had. Yup. It was in there. He smiled at people glancing at him and he sat down at the bar, waiting for someone to take his order.