[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - The Place To Be.[/i][/center] "[color=6ecff6]I suck at names, darling. Completely my bad![/color]" he had a good laugh, genuine and warm despite the fact that he'd messed up and he whipped out his notepad. Scribbling in the man's name and table number, he added in the order with flourish and he couldn't help but wondering why so many good things had happened upon the man's entrance. He didn't stop to think about it before, it hadn't occurred to him that maybe it hadn't been a coincidence and he didn't have much time to think about it as the new customer entered. He was another face that Adrien recognized though only vaguely and he glanced back to Jason with a winning smile. Trying to push his sudden interest away and focus on getting this order to the back, he shuffled through his own thoughts briefly. [i][color=6ecff6]Why am I worrying about this guy? He doesn't know about the power I have. He doesn't know anything about me. I'm just some blue eyed waiter who keeps calling him endearments-honestly. If he knew I could disappear like a bad magicians act then I'd be a little screwed in the normal department.[/color][/i] "[color=6ecff6]I'll get that out to you in a New York minute, you just hang tight, dear.[/color]" he said with an easy, breezy tone as he hustled over to the window and hung the order up and gave the order wheel a spin before tucking a strand of white blond hair behind his ear and making his way to the next table. The man had a K-name, he thought that it might be Kyle but he wasn't quite sure and he'd already made an idiot of himself once today so he just thought he'd stick to calling him nothing and feigning no knowledge of his mysterious name. "[color=6ecff6]Welcome to Mary's, can I get you anything?[/color]" he asked pleasantly, brandishing his notepad. "[color=6ecff6]We have a special on the Cob salad if you're interested, darling.[/color]"