Meh, those examples aren't anywhere close to VNs really. VNs normally have static images and environments that you can't move around in. It's like a picture book pretty much. Everything looks like this: Image is put in a hider for space reasons. [hider][img][/img][/hider] Just static images with text, and that's it. You get the uncommon fancy image, or maybe animation every now and then, but this is what most VNs look like. Also, they usually have voice acting, though some won't. There aren't any 3D environments, there's no exploration, there's no "actual gameplay" because you don't even directly control the main character. It's just something you read, and get to make decisions on. I honestly prefer this simplistic style, because the whole point of a VN is enjoying the story. You don't have to be on guard for random QTEs, nor do you have a limited amount of time to select an option. You go at your own pace, at your own leisure, and in a way, I do enjoy that more than video games with "oh man, there are zombies, and you have a split-second to decide who you're going to save." Granted, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm showing you how it's different from the average Telltale game. You can enjoy QTEs and rushed selections as much as you want, but those frankly aren't for me. I went way off topic lol. This is what happens when I talk about something that I have a passion for I guess, haha. Or when I go a long time without doing anything IC.