[center] [color=red][h3]Sebastian Flynn Williams[/h3][/color] [img]http://www.blog-city.info/en/img1/18372_anime20guy.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.blog-city.info/en/img1/18372_anime20guy.jpg]Sebastian Flynn Williams Picture[/url] [color=red][i]"Stay out of my way and you won’t get burned."[/i][/color] Sebastian is tall, about 6’ 3”. He is muscular, but a lean muscular, from working in his father’s fields back in Australia. He is also a light tan from that. He has bright blue eyes that look like the sea on the clearest of its days and dirty blond hair that reminds everyone of beach sand when they see it. He has an oval faced shape, slimming down to a slightly pointed chin, and perfectly white teeth. His lips are a darker pink color and he has a thin upper lip, but a full lower one. His eyebrows are rounded and are a shade darker than his actual hair. Now onto scars. He has plenty of them, considering he has been using is power for a long time, but he mainly has scars on his hands. That’s where he uses his powers the most. He has two large X burns going from the top left side of his palms to the bottom right side and the same with the top right to the bottom left. His fingers, though, remain unscathed from burns, except where his fingerprints should be. He burned them off when he first got his powers, so now he has no fingerprints. He has scars along his upper arms as well and along his stomach from back when he was first learning his power back at home. Sebastian is Australian, which means that he will have an accent, but he isn’t your “typical” Australian that you see in movies. He isn’t a slacker and he doesn’t make a lot of jokes. He is focused and a good student. He wants to learn his powers and be the best at them so he can control them enough to where he doesn’t hurt himself anymore. He is a guy who puts himself out there and pushes other’s needs ahead of his, though he never acts like that. _________________________________________________________________ [/center] [color=red] [b]Codename:[/b] [/color] Phoenix [color=red] [b]House:[/b] [/color] The Dragons [color=red] [b]Grade:[/b] [/color] 12th [color=red][b]Age:[/b] [/color] 17 [color=red][b]Gender:[/b] [/color] Male [color=red][b]Sexuality:[/b] [/color] Heterosexual [color=red][b]Birthday:[/b] [/color] August 1st [color=red][b]Blood Type:[/b] [/color] AB [color=red] [b]Nationality:[/b] [/color] Australian ___________________ [color=red] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] Swimming [*] Playing Sports [*] Jogging [*] Exercising [*] Going Hiking [*] Practicing His Power [/list] [color=red] [b]Personality:[/b] [/color] As I said above, Sebastian is a serious personality, but underneath his rock hard demeanor, he is actually quite caring. He makes sure to protect that side as much as he can, though, because he was hurt once before when he exposed it. Sebastian is very focused on his work and pushes himself to his limits often. He is sometimes reckless and very angry. He has a short temper and people tend to relate it to his power since he has a Fire Power. He takes most of his pent up anger out on people on the football field. Whenever he is angry, he tries to find something to do that will actually use his anger and benefit him, which is mostly exercising and playing sports, which is why he likes them so much. Sebastian hates stupid people. He is actually extremely smart himself and he has friends that are less smart that he is, but he cannot tolerate people that are purposefully stupid and ask stupid questions. He also does not like quiet people. He thinks that they are irritating. He prefers to have conversations with people and he wants the person he is conversing with to actually talk back. He also does not like people who are shy around him because he likes to get involved with a lot of things and he wants everyone to experience the same thing that he does. He loves parties and dancing, and he tries to live life to his fullest because he knows, sooner or later, that his power might just kill him. [color=red] [b]History:[/b] [/color] Sebastian was born in Sydney, Australia, to the wife of a lowly farmer who lived on the outskirts of the city, going away from the ocean. When Sebastian was a little boy, he used to love riding horses around his father’s farm as his father worked on the fields. He was a carefree little child and didn’t notice the tension surrounding his parents as he played. His parents had been having tension almost since he was born and it was mainly surrounding money. His father wasn’t bringing in enough crop to keep his family afloat and his mother, coming from a rich family in the Queensland territory, was not used to living in the dirt and poor. And finally, they just snapped. Sebastian’s mother filed for divorce when Sebastian was only six years old. His father pleaded with her to stay, to not take Sebastian away from him, but she didn’t listen to him. His mother gained full custody over Sebastian and she whisked him away to Townsville, her home city in the Queensland territory. There, she met her second husband and they were married within six months of meeting. And that was how Sebastian grew up. He never saw his father again, but he always knew that he was out there somewhere and he resented his mother for taking him away from him. But living in Townsville wasn’t all bad. That’s where Sebastian learned surfing. It is also where he learned his power. He was only ten at the time, but it was a rare cold day in Townsville, and he wanted to heat up. So he went to get a cup of a cocoa, but it was almost as cold as the city was. He was so frustrated that he accidentally set off his power, heating up his cocoa, but burning his hand in the process. That’s when he realized what he was capable of and he went from carefree child to serious young adult. He left his mother in Townsville and headed back to the outskirts of Sydney to stay with his father, as he appealed to the court. His father was excited to have him back and Sebastian began doing whatever he could to help out with his father and his farming. Sebastian kept his powers hidden from his father, but he trained every day until the day he turned fourteen. He made sure to only train at night, that way his father couldn’t see, but his father began noticing the scars and burns across his hands. Most of his burns fade, but when he conjures a big flame, it stays and it is noticeable. Sebastian found this school, the Star Ocean Academy, that said it was for “special” children and immediately, he knew what special meant. He signed up for it and the day after he turned fourteen, he headed to Japan. He has been going to the Star Ocean Academy for the past three years and is excited for his final year, though he wishes to stay and teach. ___________________ [color=red] [b]Current Classification:[/b] [/color] Requesting Orion [color=red] [b]Special Ability:[/b] [/color] Sebastian is a Fire Elemental. He has the ability to control and create fire and mold it into what he will, though mainly he uses fireballs over fire swords and what not. [color=red] [b]Imperfection:[/b] [/color] His imperfection in his ability is that every time he uses his power, he burns himself. There is no protection between the fire and his hands or whatever he is using to create fire and there is no way that he can protect himself from it. He has tried putting on gloves, but the fire immediately goes through the gloves. He pays a price for every time he uses his power. ___________________ [color=red] [b]School Clubs:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] Football Team [*] Swim Team [/list] [color=red] [b]Character Relations:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] N/A [*] N/A [*] N/A [/list] [color=red] [b]Other:[/b] [/color] [url=https://youtu.be/vBecM3CQVD8]Sympathy for the Devil by “The Rolling Stones”[/url] He has a wolf puppy that he found in the forest in Australia when he was 16 and coming back for a visit. Her mom was killed by a bear trap, so he took her in. He named her Flame. [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/331dqif.jpg[/IMG]