Greg awoke to the sound of gunshots, multiple gunshots. He abruptly got up from the office chair he slept on, rushing out from the cubic he was in. He grabbed his machete from top of the cubic desk in front of him and ran. He could barely see, his eyes yet to adjust to the sun's light that shimmered through the shattered windows. Greg rushed down to the first floor. He could hear Brandon yelling, crying for help. Just before he went down the stairs, he saw Horace firing his gun from a huge hole on the floor. As he went down the stairs in a quick beat, he was wondering what the hell was going on. On the first floor he saw zombies crawling from the broken windows, trying to get in. Brandon was laying on the ground, along side a dead zombie. "You okay?" Greg asked Brandon in a shaky voice trying to catch his breath. Carter was shooting with his machinegun. Horace came down stairs, and started shooting the zombies outside. There were three zombies who managed to get in by the side door. "Damn we should have barricaded this place before going to sleep" Greg clenched his fist to the thought. Gripping the machete firmly he swung it towards one of the three zombies neck. The machete cut through its neck swiftly. The zombie's head fell and pounded the ground, soon its headless body followed. Two remain, Greg kicked the closest one on the knee, causing his leg to break and fly backwards. The zombie was crippled and dropped down. Greg shoved his machete through the last one's temple. Looking down he smashed the crippled zombie's head with his boots. "We cant stay here anymore!" Greg yelled. He bent down and pulled his machete from the zombie's bloody head. As he stood he continued "This place has been compromised! We better leave out the back door!". He sheathed his machete and ran back to the 2nd floor. He grabbed his backpack and m16 and went back down. "Horace help Brandon on his feet and go out the back door! I'll take care of these bitches here! Go!" Greg yelled as he clocked his M16 and started firing through the windows in attempt to slow the zombies down. He looked at Carter, he wasn't in his best shape to fight. Greg got closer to him and said "Carter! Go with them I got your back! Just go find a safe place. I'll follow you once I am able to. Now go!".