I had a hard time deciphering the Zeon rank structure, and while the Zeon space forces resemble modern navies, the ground forces have a completely different rank structure, and as such I figured since we are under ground force command [which is straight up Army ranks], I should rank my character as though he were in the army. As such, he is a Sergeant, seeing as he is the solo operator of an armored element. [hider=From the Wiki] Zeon Earth Attack Force Overseen by Garma Zabi at the California Base, the Zeon Earth Attack Force is responsible for operations on Earth. Military Ranks Private Private First Class Superior Private Corporal Sergeant Sergeant Major 2nd Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Major General Lieutenant General General [/hider] Also, seeing as I was stuck over in the other board like an idiot, I didn't realize that JESUS CHRIST do we have a veteran group. By the end of the One Year War Zeon was pretty much out of veteran pilots, but we have three and a half attached to a supply group.