[quote=@drummer-dan] So sorry guys, i havent had time yet to get a post up. Is there going to be monsters in the tree, what is likepy to happen as i don't want to write a post and have it inaccurate [/quote] the point of the map is to let you choose a direction (or try to make your own short cut) to see what's next. So post and find out. The only time you'll be wrong is if you write out yourself climbing the full tree. Go a room at a time, if you run into something I'll stop you. But I just want to make a few key descriptions. 1: Large branches. You can walk on large braches, in fact the map is made of large branches to get you from place to place. BUt this works against you too, some branches are in your way so its hard to just jump or fly from one to another. 2. Its hard to see through the branches so the map isn't fully visible from any given point. 3. You can expect monsters but only as quick encounters.