[b]"In the meantime Virginia, Jonathan, Logan, Aaron, Kaleolani, and Madelyn, the six of you will be going with me to our training area. I want to see just what exactly it is here I'm working with. Now then with all that settled, I'll speak to the six of you heading out later, and for the rest of you, follow me please.” [/b] Kaleolani Was both pleased and worried at being kept back. He really didn't want to be near the sense of vulnerability Johny instilled in him but he also liked the idea of getting to show off before being assigned a mission. Call it ego, but he liked to demonstrate the punishment he could take and what he liked to call 'pele's kiss'. He remembered the year he had to keep blindfolded when the 'gift' first came to him, it happened when a boy started bulling the others in the neighborhood. All he did was stare down at the boy's feet as he just got madder and madder until the skin suddenly blistered and burned. His Makuahine convinced everyone that it was a brown tree snake bite but after that he suddenly had a need for glasses. Just like the tattoos on his thighs, some things that were magical managed to work on him. Such as the non prescription lenses made from thin layers of blessed pahoehoe kept him from harming people with his eyes until he learned to control himself. He filed out with the rest with his bare feet slapping on the deckplate.